I Was Just Diagnosed with Scoliosis. Advice Needed.

Updated on January 23, 2012
M.. asks from Anchorage, AK
12 answers

Hi moms, after months of dealing with on again/off again back pain, I finally went to the chiropractor. He did xrays and diagnosed me with Scoliosis. All this week I have been in pretty bad pain. My chiro started me with therapy this week. We wants to adjust me/do therapy twice a week for 8 weeks. I feel very depressed right now. I was wondering if any of you ladies have dealt with this? How long before you felt better? How did this affect your life? I think the adjustments are making it hurt worse. RIght now I feel like the pain is never going to end. Thanks for any advice anyone can offer.

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answers from Dallas on

I would get a second opinion from a doctor who specializes in scoliosis, even though I am pro chiropractic. I would also do back and core strengthening exercises.

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answers from New York on

I have scoliosis (diagnosed in H.S.), and fortunately it did not really bother me until fairly recently. I went for chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy for a while, but (just like you) the adjustments & therapy only made the pain worse. I was told that I would have to go for a while (and spend $$ doing so) before it got any better. I stopped going and started to practice yoga & pilates. They have worked wonders for me; however, everyone is different. I would definitely suggest starting with yoga (as long as its ok with your doc). Many instructors will take each new student's physical needs and limitations into consideration during classes. Hope you feel better soon.

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answers from Appleton on

I have scoliosis and so does my daughter. I didn't know I had it until I was in my 40's and it never bothered me. Mine is down by my waist and my daughter has it between her shoulder blades. Her's is bad enough that one leg is about an inch and a half shorter than the other one and her hips are uneven. But she is a terrific dancer and martial artist, she was State Champion twice.
I recommend strengthing your core muscles. The stronger your abs and back muscles are the less strain you will have on your spine. In fact Tae Kwon Do is a great exercise for anyone with back issues.

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answers from Portland on

I have a mild scoliosis between my shoulder blades. When I was working, carrying heavy equipment my back would hurt but not nearly as badly as yours does. When I first had adjustments it would take several before the pain went away. After the initial few times then it would only take one. Now, I'm able to get rid of the pain with a heating pad and being careful to not carry much that weighs over 15 or so lbs.

What will happen for you depends on where the scoliosis is located and how severe it is. After the adjustments and therapy to strengthen muscles you may have very little pain. Do you know what activity started the pain? If so, you will be able to adjust your activity to prevent a return of the pain.

I've also used muscle relaxants often to alleviate pain. Actually the muscle relaxants helped more than the chiropractic treatments. I advise using a combination of both.

Scoliosis is quite common. You will learn how to manage it.

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answers from New York on

I don't have scoliosis but I do have intermittent back pain and have been to the chiropractor many times. I found for me taking a muscle relaxant and/or pain killer at night especially helps. If I can get enough rest I feel better in a day or so. When I can't sleep and am overtired the pain is worse. I also use the Thermacare or other brand heat wraps--especially at night. Does your chiro use electrical stimulation? Mine uses that and heat packs before the adjustment and it helps the muscles loosen up before the adjustment.

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answers from Atlanta on

My husband had scoliosis as a young adult and got rid of it completely through principled chiropractic and the use of an inversion table. Muscle pain in inevitable when they are moved and they are definitely being moved while adjusting your spine. They have memory and they pull back to where they were before and fight against the adjustments until the chiropractor has done it enough for them to remember to be where they are supposed to be. Personally, I wouldn't waste my time with a medical doctor's second opinion, but a second opinion from another chiropractor might be the ticket. Talk to them about their philosophy and interview them like your life depends on it...because it does.

Absorbable calcium is essential to maintaining healthy bones. Supplementation to restore the elasticity to your disks is needed as well. I can recommend some things if you're interested.

Hopefully your pain will diminish as your adjustments continue. Remember that it took years to get you to this point. Patience is truly a virtue! :)


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answers from Cleveland on

My husband went through something like this. AT 47 he was diagnosed with scoliosis. He went to the chiro for several months and it did help him. We were surprised that he had it but his job is behind the desk of a computer and I am sure he does not sitt properly.

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answers from Columbus on

My adult daughter does not have scioliosis, but she had a really bad back and finally decided to see a chiropractor for the first time in her life. Her spine and neck were so badly misaligned, they said it looked liked it was caused by a car accident.

When she first started going to the chiro, it got much worse! She had horrible, excruciating migraines and pain. She is not able to take any pain medication because she is breastfeeding an infant. She had to put frozen peas on her neck and mint oil all over. It took several visits over 4 weeks until it stopped hurting and she started getting better. She wasn't sure whether to keep going because everything was worse at first and she was afraid she was doing permanent damage.

However, now after 3 visits a week for 4 weeks she has no pain or headaches and feels marvelous a few days after each visit. She still has a month or longer to keep getting treatment.

You should try to get through the miserable first part the best you can. I'm sure relief is on the way.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I was diagnosed in Jr. High with Scoliosis. It was never bad enough to brace, but they watched it.

That said - I always suffered from minor back pain... which progressed to serious back pain while I was working (I was an archaeologist and all those years scrunched down in an excavation unit was brutal on my back).

I started seeing a chiropractor 2 years ago and it was a godsend. She asked me immediately about my scoliosis, and then we treated from there.

I went 3 times a week for 3 months, then weaned down from that.
Now I go once a month, or every 6 weeks.

My pain ended.

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answers from Seattle on

My sister has scoliosis. It was very severe and they operated on it, many years ago. The operation did not help her with her pain, though I've met others who did find relief from surgery.

Here are the things that DID help:
- Swimming (good stroke/laps)
- Acupuncture
- ***Massage***
- Good Posture
- Tylenol and Ibuprofen, at the same time (the combination works wonders)
- Opiates and Spasmolytics
- A really good mattress
- A really, really, really good Chiropractor, physical therapist, and masseur (not all X,Y,Z were created equal)
- HOT baths with Epson salts (soak)
- Ice packs
- Lifting w/ legs, not lifting at all when the pain starts to flare up

Good luck and biggest hugs

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answers from Columbus on

I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 19. I know it seems like the worst diagnosis right now, but if you've lived with it this long, it's NOT going to take over your life.

You can end up pretty sore after the first few adjustments, but in no time at all you will start feel much better. After my very first adjustment ever, I probably spent a couple hours on the floor with one of those 5 gallon ice bags on my back. But it will get better fast! I've been going to a chiropractor off & on for 10 years, and now I look forward to getting adjustments, because I feel so much better afterwards. But for now, take it easy & don't be too hard on yourself.

Now I usually go to the chiropractor once a month, and I only decide to go more often if I pull a muscle or do something stupid. There are lots of things you can do to help minimize the pain on your own. Low-impact exercise or yoga helps a lot. Keeping the muscles and tendons loose in your back, neck, and hips will do wonders. My favorite exercise to prevent back pain is bellydance. I recommend Veena & Neena workout videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG_xnk90g4Q

Please feel free to ask me anything, I know it sucks to have this diagnosis looming over your head. Good luck!

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answers from Toledo on

I was diagnosed in 6th grade, and had corrective surgery (rods fused) when I was 18. I am now 39 and have never had any problems with my back. As far as the chiropractic route, I don't know - I would definitely see a dr. who specializes in scoliosis before I'd have someone messing around with the spine like that. Your spine isn't just misaligned - it's grown like that (crooked) - it's not going to be able to be manipulated into going straight. I know that weight lifting can help, as well as other exercise. Good luck!

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