Hives...please Help!

Updated on July 26, 2011
L.S. asks from Sherman Oaks, CA
14 answers

My 17 month old woke up with hives yesterday morning. We were up all night because my husband was freaked out that she would end up with a breathing problem. At this point we do not know what the reaction is about- could be the Amoxicillyn or a food allergy- a bugbite? Her feet and hands are completely puffed up, and she is covered now. We are going to go to the pediatrician in a few hours but the baby is going out of her mind with discomfort. The Benadryl has not worked one bit- only to knock her out. Is there a natural way to relieve her itching?

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So What Happened?

Turns out it was a classic penisyllin allergy. They prescribed her steroids. Thank you for some of your ideas for other ways to keep her comfortable. Will try lots of water, vinegar, cool bath etc. Benadryl has been totally ineffective so we are going to stop with that.

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answers from Boston on

When my kids have had hives as bad as you describe the on call ped always said to go to the er if benedryl didn't help quickly. If you don't know what caused it I suggest you get a referral to a pediatric allergist and get some testing done. You don't want it to happen again because the next reaction could be worse.

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answers from Los Angeles on mentioned Amoxycillin!? This is probably the cause and Benadryl will not cut it for this type of allergic reaction. My son is allergic to Amoxycillin and he had to be on steroids ALONG with Benadryl. The rash last for almost 10 days. Go to Pediatrician to rule out other things and to get a handle on the rash.

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answers from Chicago on

If her hands/feet are swollen, you should go to the pediatrician now. Don't wait a few hours. Just show up and tell them you need to see someone, even if it is a nurse. And don't give her any more Amoxicillin until you've seen the doc and can rule out that she's allergic to it.

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answers from Denver on

Every year since my daughter was born at the beginning of the summer she breaks out in hives that put her in the hospital. Aack!!! I have a pediatrician office that will get your child in immediately when you call and the doc always sends her over.

Ultimately, hive are very dangerous and breathing can become a real issue. I would take her over to the ER right now, no sense in risking danger to your baby.

Good luck!

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answers from New York on

My daughter had the same thing a few months ago. It ended up being the Amoxicillin (allergy). To help soothe the itching and relieve the rash, I wiped her down with diluted Apple Cider Vinegar. Also give her LOTS of water and Vitamin C in her diet. The water will help flush the histamine out as does the Vitamin C. Benadryl and oatmeal baths didnt help us. Good Luck!

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answers from Boston on

Go NOW, doctor or emergency room. There is something called Domebro powder at the drugstore that goes in a cool bath that is supposed to stop itching and swelling (I used it with a bad case of poison ivy). But check with a doctor NOW and don't wait, just show up, a swollen infant will get immediate attention.

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answers from Seattle on

I'm an adult but have been dealing with hives the past week from an unknown source. Cold showers/baths are immediate relief from the itching, though I realize plopping your daughter into a cold bath might not make her stop crying. Also check out nettles (tea, tincture, bath) as they are amazing at helping diminish the hives. Don't expect the doctor to know about nettles unless they're a naturopath. My doctor was amazed when I told her about nettles relieving and helping the hives. Another long term thing to do is spirulina supplements, though I'm not sure about the dosage for your daughter.
Hives are AWFUL! I'd never had them before. Best of luck.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Be VERY careful now in the future with all penicillin based antibiotics, add in a probiotic /drops are available for little ones. Also be aware of vaccines as there are ingredients in there that she could also be allergic to (along with antibiotic ingredients in them). Do your research.



answers from Washington DC on

Can the pediatrician see her sooner? What if you brought her in now?
Otherwise go to the ER. Hopefully yours will not make you wait.

Stop the amoxycillin
try a diluted vinegar bath
If she takes the Benadryl and can sleep at least you know the itching has died down. I would still give it to her.
Will she take pedialyte popsicles? Get fluids into her systern



answers from San Diego on

Hello, I'm sure that by now, you have found out the reason. My guess it the medication, but I would let the doctor rule that out. It does sound serious. We always have used Aveeno oatmeal bath, with cortizone mixed with Aveeno baby cream to help reduce the itching.
Good luck with your precious baby.
K. K.



answers from McAllen on

You need to detox. If its in her system it wont clear up



answers from Reno on

Hi. I would take her to your Pediatrician just to be on the safe side. Both my daughters, upon first taking amoxicillyn, broke out in hives. Turns out they are both allergic to any derivative of penicillin. I believe the pharmacist called it "Amoxicillyn rash".. If that's the case, you'll probably be advised to discontinue the use of it and be prescribed something different. Best of luck!



answers from Los Angeles on

I love benadryl spray.



answers from Charlotte on


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