Help with Sleeping Situation

Updated on October 08, 2008
K.V. asks from Hermiston, OR
23 answers

Hi there. I have a 3 month old son who is a very light sleeper. The only place that he will sleep for any amount of time is in his swing. I fought putting him in there but after many sleepless nights I gave in. To my suprise he slept for 6 hours straight compared to waking every 2 hours from his crib. I feel the longer we let him sleep in his swing the harder it will be to wean him from it. I would love any advice or suggestions. Thanks:)

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answers from Portland on

consider chiropractic

if his spine is out of alignment (guaranteed if he was medically assisted out of the womb, but can happen post-birth lots of ways too), he probably literally is in enough pain or discomfort not to sleep

(chiropractic for babies is feather-light, not at all the thumpy-bumpy stuff some adult chiropractors do)

or if you aren't a sleep-on-tummy mom (I didn't read the rest of the replies), maybe try one of those side-sleeper cushions

(the whole sleep-on-their-back thing, I don't hold with; I've seen very tidy explanations of why it's the chemicals in the matresses that make tummy-sleep a danger ... but if you are putting him on his back and he can't sleep that way, you already know you need to find some other solution)



answers from Portland on

My daughter slept in a swing for 4 months from 4-8 months old. We had the fisher price that rocked side to side and she loved that motion. I thought I was a terrible mom for letting her do this so I could sleep, but in truth, she slept better inthat swing than she ever has and she is now 3 1/2. And she didnt have any reflux or any other medical condition that warranted it. Just stock up on D batteries and enjoy the sleep. We moved her into the crib when she got too big for the swing.

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answers from Seattle on

Just a thought.. do you think lying flat at nite bothers your son? Maybe he has bad gas or acid reflux? One of my friends children had acid reflux as an infant and like to be elevated a little to sleep. he had such problems he went on a baby acid reflux medicine. Best of luck with your new baby.

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answers from Seattle on


Your little angel is only three months old. The motion of the swing is *Very* similar to the movements of the womb. Give him time and when he's ready he'll sleep better in his crib than the swing.

My son is now 5 years old, and especially when he was teething (cut his first 2 at 4 months) he loved the swing. Like most phases, he grew out of it and sleeps just fine in his twin bed.

So let them be little,
'Cause they're only that way for a while.
Give 'em hope, give them praise,
Give them love every day.
Let 'em cry, let 'em giggle,
Let 'em sleep in the middle,
Oh, but let them be little.
~~Billy Dean


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answers from Anchorage on

our little girl slept great in a swing from about 2 wks till about 4 months. i eventually stopped the swing after she fell asleep, then put her in it while it was stopped. we moved her to her crib when she began squirming and almost turning over for fear she would fall out. babies like that motion and being swaddled and shushed for the first 3-4 months. have you read "The happiest baby on the block"? it advises this and i thought it worked great. maybe start with naps, then move to night time. also can start naps in crib then move to night time in crib.

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answers from Portland on

Hi K.,
First thing my mom told me which worked great then the Dr, gave me a little more advise, Now I will hand it to you so maybe some day you can hand it down too,
First thing strip the bed /crib lay a warm blanket over the mattress and the cover it with the sheet that fits the bed,then put around their bed the bumper guard ok, now find a clock that you can put in the crib with a soft ticking as like the clicking of the swing/ a warm feeling sound like a heartbeat,see if that works for your baby, happy sweet dreams?

S. Lopez, P.S. This keeps them warm, plus the feeling of your heartbeat for security



answers from Eugene on

I would suggest putting a fan in his room to drown out any noises that may be interrupting his sleep. My daughter has slept with her fan since day one. She also still takes some naps in her swing and she is 15 months, so don't worry about that. Just do what's best for the baby.



answers from Corvallis on

My daughter would not sleep lying flat either for the first four or so months of her life. She didn't really like the swing, but loved either her car seat or her bouncy recliner chair. It is ABSOLUTELY not a problem and they shouldn't have any problem moving to a crib when they are developmentally able. The big issue is to make sure that they get plenty of tummy time and other positions when they are awake to make sure they don't get flattening of their skull. Good luck to you, those first few months are TOUGH!



answers from Seattle on

My 18-month-old daughter is still a very light sleeper. She used a swing every night until she was about 4-5 months old. She eventually stopped sleeping as well in the swing, and we transitioned her to her crib with a sound machine in the background. To this day, she still uses the white noise from the sound machine to keep her asleep.

I think that everyone has pretty much said it, but I'll throw in my support - do what is best for your family to get the rest they need. No one benefits from sleep deprivation, and he will grow out of the swing at some point. Enjoy the benefits while you can! :)



answers from Portland on

All babies are different and it sounds like your son likes to sleep all snuggled up in the swing. They can't move alot and it feels warmer and more snug than the crib. My daughter loved her swing and carseat, I think, because it made her feel safe and snug. As she got bigger and moving around a lot more we switched her to the crib and really never had a problem. Plus, by six or seven months she didn't want to be in the swing anymore. It was too restrictive for her busy little self. I think you should do what your son likes best and whats getting you all the most rest.



answers from Eugene on

My son was a really light sleeper--and my husband and I were exhausted (he wouldn't sleep with us either!). He would sleep really well in his bouncy chair, but I worried about him sleeping in it so I was always trying to transition him from it to our bed or to his crib and he would wake up--I wish I hadn't worried about it because at least he was sleeping! Eventually he started sleeping in the crib no problem. When our son was little I told someone that I felt guilty putting him in "contraptions" like swings, but that was the only way he would sleep. They told me to take advantage of them...and in retrospect they were totally right. You'll know when it's time to transition and I really don't think it will be difficult to do. Good luck!



answers from Seattle on


I'm not sure if this will help you....but I think it is worth a try.My little daughter ( 3 month old ) does not like to sleep in her crib, either. What I have been doing every night is " filling her up to the rim " with milk. I breastfeed and so I pump once a day ( that usually gives me around 6 ounces of milk ). When bedtime comes around I feed her the bottle of pumped milk and make sure she eat's it all. She is at the end sooo "knocked out "......she sleeps in her crib without any problems for up to 6 hours.

Maybe this could also help you?

Good luck



answers from Portland on

Both Lenc and Melissa's posts give info similar to my experience with my grandson who is now 5 and my granddaughter who is now 8. my grandson also slept in his swing and transitioned to a bed with no difficulty. My granddaughter had GERD and slept best with her head elevated. She slept in her car seat in her crib for several months.



answers from Seattle on

My daughter was 3 weeks early and would not sleep in her crib. The only place she would sleep was her car seat. The doctor said it was because she wanted to be curled up for a bit more.
You will know when it is time to put him in the crib as he will tell you with his actions.



answers from Portland on

Hi K.,
Talk to your pediatrician about reflux. It is very common in little ones and maybe he likes his swing because it holds him at an incline so the reflux doesn't bother him. If that is ruled out, you can always try the cry-it-out method - it is h*** o* moms but it works and it is your job to teach him how to sleep. Sounds crazy but I kept telling myself that so I wouldn't feel so awful when I heard my kiddos cry for a few minutes. Good luck! I can tell you from first-hand experience it gets worse to change bad sleep habits when they get older.



answers from Portland on

do not feel guilty for letting him sleep in the swing. my 3rd child slept in the swing all night one night. other times it would be 4-6 hours. he loved the rocking and believe me he grew out of it and sleeps all night now at 20 months.
I too felt like it was somehow bad for him but he needed that and so did I!!!
I would swaddle him up and strap him in and he would instantly fall asleep. we tried the bassinette soooo many times and as soon as his head touched the mattress he would wake up crying.
My only advice would be to put the swing in your room where you are sleeping.



answers from Portland on

If the swing works right now use it. Teaching a baby to sleep and you getting your rest is the more important. The plan will change regardless. As long as the swing isn't moving all night long it is no different than sleeping anywhere else.



answers from Eugene on

Honestly - the swing was the only way our daughter (and us) got a good nights sleep. I stocked up on D batteries, bought her a pop-a-son style swing and made sure she was absolutley comfortable. we moved to a temporary appt while our house was being built when she was around 6 months old. I took advantage of the new living situation and started her in her crib. We were fortunate enough for her to transition well and was able to "retire" the swing. Do what is best for you and your baby - that all get a restful nights sleep. Transition your child when they are old enough to find comfort in finding their own comfortable sleeping position. Good luck!



answers from Portland on

Hi K.,

One thing that we have absolutely loved it our white noise machine. They're not expensive and simulate the noises of the womb when they're smaller and block out outside noises when they're a little older. Our 7-month-old son still sleeps with it.

Good luck to you!



answers from Seattle on

We had to use an electric swing with our youngest too. I agree with the post below that whatever gives YOU the best night's sleep will be best in the long run.



answers from Anchorage on

I have 3 kids. With my first, I felt so guilty if he wasn't in his bed at night to sleep. One night we came home and he was asleep in his carseat, but we didn't want to get him out, so we just put his carseat in the crib! LOL! Then number two came along, and we had a bassinet and she slept in it really well. It had a vibrator and a music box, and both would turn off after a time. Then number three came along. We used the bassinet, some, but he REALLY liked the swing. He slept so much better in it, that we eventually had three different swings, one for upstairs, one for downstairs, and a travel one. We were going on vacation, and got one of those travel ones that fold up and that is what he slept in on our trip- it was nice because we didn't need a playpen or crib.

As far as transitioning to a crib- we did it. It took a bit of getting used to. We started with nap time, then moved into bedtime. And sometimes he would start out in the crib, but when he would wake up for his feeding, I would put him in the swing (because it was closer). He is 8 months now, and we never use a swing, and he sleeps in the crib.

I recommend it if it works best for you. It worked great for us! Good luck!



answers from Spokane on

K., I had to laugh when I read this only because it brought back my own memories of worry. With my first two kids they only used the swing occationally but my third loved it! We tried it one night when she was especially fussy and she slept for eight hours! I asked my pediatrician and he said it could not hurt her in any way to be in there that long. We used the lowest speed so that it was just a very gentle rock to sway her to sleep. Well one good night turned into the next and next and you get it. Six months later I started to wean her by taking naps in the crib and still letting her fall asleep at night in the swing. To her I think it was a position thing too, all cuddled up rather than flat on a mattress. She then was full time in the crib and adjusted just fine. It is a comfort thing to them and if it lets you get a good night's sleep then I say go for it! You can not "hurt" your baby by spoiling them so be happy and wean as you feel ready. Good luck....S.



answers from Seattle on

So far you have some good advice. My 5 yr old son had reflux when he was a baby and slept the best in a swing. He also slept good in it when he had little colds too. My daughter who is 5 months has done the best in a swing it seems since she was born. She has slept in it now most of the night tonight. When she was really small I didnt want her far away from me so I would sleep on the sofa to be in the same room. But now I know she is OK and just put the monitor with her so I can sleep in my own bed. I found if we both get some sleep then we are all much better. Just do what is best. You know what they need when they need it. Remember you can't spoil them at this age so just love them and love them. It isn't forever and as long as you are being the best parent you can and providing for their needs whatever it may be don't worry.

It "this" hard because it's "this" wonderful to be the parent of "this" child and they are only going to be "this" young and need you "this" much for a very short time.

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