Help Child Falling Alot Tried Docs Already Blew Me Off !!!

Updated on June 04, 2007
C.H. asks from Kingsland, GA
15 answers

Hi Mom's,
My daughter has had ear infections in the past and I have taken her to see a pediatrition however this has not helped I have been talked down to by a military doc blowing off every thing I say and telling me not to bring her in unless shes got a temp of 104!!!! My daughter has been extremely unbalanced falling just by walking ..bad falls bruises and cuts all over and violent screaming when she does fall. I have resorted to ear plugs at night to get a few hours of sleep "and yes she once again is 17 months". I have given her tylanol..Motrin...teething tablets homeopathic...orajal swabs and I've had her to docs 5 times in 2 weeks due to high fevers about 103 and "ear infections" her white cell count at one point was 22, I was informed that a medium-high is 12...well anyway I thought all this going to the docs took care of situation; but here we go again any REAL "Experts" AKA parents having this SERIOUS FALLING PROBLEM with your child and if so what is it and what can I do it seems the docs can't help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As an added note we have MILITARY INSURANCE we CANNOT SEE OUTSIDE DOCS ... we are one income at the moment and are not able to afford out of pocket...Anyone have any ideas on what we can do....Does anyone have Humana Military Tri-Care Prime that might know a loop hole "to acctually getting someone who cares and can help our daughter once and for all" PLEASE HELP I'm very desparate

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answers from Jacksonville on


Babies are very wobbly at this age. On top of that the bodies balance comes from the inner ear. Her falling might be a combination of her age and the ear infections. There is a problem in her ear so it will through off her balance some. About the teething, my kids always get fevers and sore bottoms when they teeth the only suggestion I have is to keep with the orajel, tylenol and mothrin. Motrin is going to relieve the pain better than tylenol. It may seem tough now but trust me it wont last forever. Oh by the way, my husband is ex army, we used to have tricare as well, the only way you can go outside the network is if you can get a referal from a Dr or you have a good reason to give to Deers. Good luck.


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answers from Jacksonville on

C., are you in Jax? You can make an appointment with another doc for a 2nd opinion or ask for an appt with the dr who is the dept head. I would also file a complaint with the naval hospital, (I'm not sure if you are being seen at a branch medical, but the naval hospital oversees the branch meds at nas and mayport). Good luck. I'm sure that all the advise posted above is great advise. Also you can call tricare or visit the tricare office and request a change in primary care provider.



answers from Tampa on

Hi C.,

I have a friend who's 4 year old daughter had a chronic cold and one day she started limping...and was in pain also. It was a very strange situation, so she finally saw the doctor who then referred her to an orthpedic who figured out she had this infection that spread to her pelvis/bones, took some heavy-duty antibiotics, and she was fine. But, if it goes undetected, can get serious. I would get a second opinion from another doctor who will take you seriously!!!



answers from Sarasota on

you do whatever it takes to get a second opinion. Get refered to the specialist as suggested. If this doctor is that bad and unwilling to do anything, you have to go outside. You put it on a credit card and go to the ER! They will figure it out and you can sleep at night knowing you did what needed to be done. I wish her well!



answers from Sarasota on

my oldest daughter had to have tubes put in due to ear infections i dont remember her having balance problems but she does bruise very easliy like you said yours does after the tubes we had no problems have they run any type of blood test or anything to find out about the balance nd the bruises due to the bruises my daughters dr ran blood test that test for everything for low iron to cancer everything came back fine but they still have yet to find a reason for the bruising and it like they have given up what area do you live in?



answers from Jacksonville on

Go to an ENT. Sounds like she will prob need tubes if her equilibrium is off from the fluid. Super easy procedure and it will make things 100 times better. Also find a new pediatrician. Sounds like yours is lacking in bedside manner. For ENTs, if you are near jax, Dr. Maddern and McMillan are excellent.



answers from Tampa on

Funny, I had the same advice. Try having a chiropractor look at her. We use
Pierce Clinic of Chiropractic
2201 62nd Ave N
St Petersburg, FL 33702
Not sure if that's in your area. He has small children of his own and is really great with kids. My son was falling alot and I took him in and he was out of alignment. They use an ATLAS machine which is amazing. They don't crack their back or anything. He quit being cranky and quit falling all over the place. Once I was in getting my son check out and my infant daughter was crying like crazy, she had been really fussy for a few days and it was escalating. Dr. Stan looked at me and asked if he could check her out. Sure enough she was out of alignment. Kid you not less than 5 mins after the alignment she quit crying. I highly recommend you try a chriopractor...they can help with ear infections and a hole other host of things. Good Luck!



answers from Tampa on

I don't have a lot of advise but can tell you as a nurse and a mommy I'm an expert on white cell counts in one year olds and 22 is not terrible normal in an infant goes to 12 any thing above that is considered "abnormal" but white cell counts can raise in response to many things and like I said 22 is not terrible.
You could try taking her to the ER the next time that she spikes.
You could try seeing another dr, there are quite a few drs that accept tri-care



answers from Tampa on

Hello, I'm sorry you are going through this and I hope it is just a phaze. if I were you , I would look into getting a second opinion very soon. You can never be to protective if you ask me. Not to scare you, but you may consider seeing an audiologist soon and an ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT). I don't know what area you are in, but All Children's Hospital is a great hospital. Good Luck Honey.




answers from Sarasota on

I think a mother knows best. If you think there is something wrong with her, there just may be. A fever of 103 is too high to be caused by just fever and ear infections I think. I would DEFINATELY get a second opinion. I switched my dtrs ped when she was 9 months old because I had problems with the one she had. Which come to find out, there was a lot more than I knew at the time. See a new pediatrician, two if you have to. Find one that will be straight up with you. It's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to our children. Besides, who cares if they think you are being overprotective, they are getting paid good money to see you each time you go.



answers from Tampa on

Ear Infections and falling sounds like her equilibrium is off... that can be caused by inner ear infections... I agree with many other mom's who answered... 1) Find an Ears Nose and Throat Doctor 2) find a new pediatric doctor... If you feel like the doctors are blowing you off then you need to go some where else. If all else fails and you want help RIGHT NOW go to your local CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL.

I will pray for your daughter.
K. J.



answers from Tampa on

My mother has Tri-Care Prime. My father has Tri-Care for Life.

Take your daughter to the hospital and have her seen in the ER. Tell the ER doctors exactly what you have said here. The best for children that I know of is St Joseph Children's unless you want to drive to Saint Petersburg to All Children's Hospital.

When she is seen in the ER, the doctors can then force the hand of the primary care. Also, I would report this to the base commander and the Flight Surgeon in charge at the base. And request a change in primary care doctors for your daughter.



answers from Tampa on

My son use to get ear infections frequently, so much to where the wanted to put tubes in his ears. I started taking him to the chiropractor and he has not had a single ear infection since. Not all chiro's work on children and not all know about the link between ear infections and realignments. If you are interested let me know and I can give you my chiros information. She is WONDERFUL and the office is so kid friendly too. Good luck, A.



answers from Tampa on

Find another doctor!!! A good doctor will always answer your questions will making you feel silly. If you live in Tampa, Pediatric Health Care Alliance. They have offices all over Tampa. I have taken my children to three different offices and I liked all of them. The docs care about their patients.My kids see Dr Anton. He's great with the children and answers all my concerns. They are also great if you half to call them in the middle of the night. Good luck with your daughter. If you have any questions or need to talk email me



answers from Fort Walton Beach on

Get a referral to an "ears, nose and throat" doctor and have her checked out. I am not sure where you are but there is one at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola, Florida that is excellent.

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