Gift for Daycare Provider

Updated on November 24, 2008
J.Z. asks from Lansing, MI
22 answers

I need a good idea for a gift for daycare provider (she runs a in house daycare). I don't want a gift card that she will use on her kids and also don't want to get a gift card where I don't know if she will use it or not (like a pedicure). I will be spending about $50.

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answers from Saginaw on

I always gave my day care lady cash. It is her choice how to spend it, whether to relieve some of her cares about bills, or to treat herself because it was "extra" money. My day care provider was so shocked and happy because no one had ever done that for her before. She had so much fun planning how to spend the $!!


answers from Benton Harbor on

Well, if you end up going the gift certificate route and want something different, you can give her a gift certificate for jewelry. What woman doesn't like something new and sparkly at the holidays?
Silpada is Beautiful fine Sterling Silver jewelry.
I'm an Independent Rep. for Silpada. My holiday special is a $50 Gift Certificate for $45. She would get the GC and a catalog and could order right from my website.

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answers from Benton Harbor on

Honestly, I would just add the $50 to her check the week before Christmas.

Especially in this economy, cash is great!


PS...WOW! To the mom who called her gifts useless junk...Im sorry you felt that way about things that were bought FOR you with YOUR comfort in mind. In my opinion, gifts are given to people who you have a relationship with in a loving/thoughtful way...perhaps you never deserved the gifts in the first place! And if it's junk, WHY would you regift it to people you would give gifts to?? ...NICE!!!

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answers from Detroit on

Well try a resturant in your area, and if she has children tell her it comes with a babysitter ie: you for the night so her and her other can have a night out. I have also in the past done gift certificates to block buster for my former day care provider, and even did a car detailing certificate one year (of course that was really because my daughter used to get car sick and even though she told me she never did, my daughter told me she did get sick in her car). Maybe carwashes to a local carwash, or the grocery store, though economists are saying stay away from retailers maybe a retailer that does sell things for children, like Kohls, JC Penney, I suggest a non high end because 50 won't get her far at Macy's.



answers from Detroit on

You really can never go wrong with cash!



answers from Benton Harbor on

Having been a daycare provider, I can tell you that the best thing is a very sweet note inside the card!!! That was the best gift I got from one mother who I thought really did'nt even like me (she was very picky), it made me cry!!! Also, something that your kids make would be a great gift too!!!



answers from Lansing on

I personally would not get a peidcure. However a night out or a free meal out, especially since she is in the house all day would be appreciated. That or items she can use to make herself feel better, lotions, etc are also appreciated.



answers from Detroit on

Go online to Bronner's and get a tree ornament that is for a day care provider. I know they have one specifically for that.



answers from Grand Rapids on

If you don't want to just add the cash, try figuring out if she has hobbies outside of daycare. Buy her something that supports her hobby and just attach a reciept, so she can return it if needed. You could also buy her a gas gift card or a pass to a car wash. Good luck and happy shopping!



answers from Grand Rapids on

Last year we gave our provider cash, one extra week worth, and she personally called us and sent us two thank you notes. She was so grateful and happy. It was a stretch for us to pull it together, but honestly, she has our babies for us when we can't be with them, so it was worth making it happen.



answers from Detroit on

J. -

I sell meaningful, hand-crafted gifts for women. We're at year-end and all my inventory is 20-50% off catalog price. I could make up a nice little basket of several unique gifts for $50. Most of my inventory is $10 - $20 right now.

Take a peek at the website, and see if anything catches your eye. If I have it in stock and you want it, it's yours at a big discount. I promise I can help you come up with something that, unlike a gift card, will be appreciated and remembered long after the holiday season.

Regards, L.

P.S. - On another note, since you're the mom of little boys, please look at the "Promise Me" artwork on page 7 of the catalog. It's an exceptional, inspirational piece of art and I have it available at a big discount.



answers from Lansing on

Being a single working mother I am very strapped for cash myself so I decided to get my daughters pictures taken (me and her in a couple) and give them out as gifts along with a nice frame, its a practical gift that my daycare person will charish and be able to keep forever and with there being several pictures its the perfect presant for grand parents, friends and other family members. I will buy frames for all of them but other than the other kids in my family everyone will be taken care of, plus I will have a keep sake of her too :) There are a lot of places that are discounting photo packages right now. Just a suggestion for everyone who might be low on funds this year :)



answers from Detroit on

Pick up a nice basket. Pick out 2 family friendly video's. Put some popcorn, movie candies, a two liter of her favorite drink, other movie type item's inside. That way she could spend a quite movie night in with her family and then she could use the movie's for the kids when the have TV time.



answers from Detroit on

I was a preschool teacher for many years and you know what the best Christmas gifts were? MONEY. Call it crass, but the best was when a parent would take a 50 dollar bill and wrap it around a tiny bottle of lotion or whatever. Giftcards are nice too, but who can't use money? Especially now? Just don't get frames/bath&body stuff/really useless needless tat that like... I am still regifting that junk!



answers from Detroit on

Are you talking about a Christmas gift? Let's see....I gave ornaments, homemade bath salts and a mask that had rice, flax and lavender (a spa mask for relaxing), and stuff like that - things that focused on the person rather than the children.

The only other thing I can think of is a gas gift card (if she drives).



answers from Detroit on

You can get visa giftcards. They can be used anywhere that accepts visa. Maybe make up a small basket that contains some pampering things like candles, bath smellies etc and put in the giftcard to make up to $50.



answers from Grand Rapids on


I agree with Lacy, just give her the extra money and let her do with it whatever makes her happy.



answers from Saginaw on

my daycare provider always liked it when i got her things that pampered her, like candles and lotions...another mom there got her pedicures...that came with babysitting! since most home daycare providers have their own gets them out of the house and away from the kids.



answers from Detroit on

Send her to FreeStyle Salon located in beautiful downtown Plymouth, book now for the holidays,any amount gift certificates available, B. Jablonski, lic. cos pro. 20yr spec. highlights, H/C we do everything, except nails, call for more information. ###-###-####. Mother of 4 daughters, young grandma of 3, $50 would go a long way with me, I understand how important a good start in life with the right teacher can make, let her know how much you appreicate her.
Happy Holiday's, B.



answers from Grand Rapids on

In the past I did one gift for the daycare and one for the provider. She thought it was great. I just bought a huge box worth of snacks etc as they were on sale. This does put some money in her pocket since she won't have to buy snacks for awhile. I also did a more personal one with bath and body stuff. (Which obviously isn't good for everyone!) Maybe do 1/2 stuff and give her $25 cash? I am sure she will appreciate whatever you get her. :) Happy Thanksgiving!



answers from Detroit on

Myself and my friend own a business called Gourmet to Go. We offer gift certificates. We shop, cook and deliver a gourmet dinner to your loved one, client, friend etc... The dinner is beautiful and we have customers that use our service several times a week. Its nice to get a chef prepaired gourmet meal, fully cooked and delivered to you and all you have to do is set the china. P.S. kids love our food too. Our entire menu was tested on our own 5 kids! And subsitutions are no problem!
Contact me at and I will send you a menu. Each meal is only $33.00 and feeds five.
Good Luck & Good Eating



answers from Detroit on

How about a cozy robe and pair of slippers. Kohl's always has sales and you'll have many choices!!

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