Do You Recommend Drugs for Long Trips?

Updated on December 24, 2010
D.P. asks from Dallas, TX
36 answers

I will be flying alone with my 4.5 yr old and my 9 month old. The 4 yr old will be fine with his iPod but not sure about the baby. a lot of friends (even a pediatric nurse) says to give him benedryl. I normally don't like giving meds unless necessary. Just curious what you would do?

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Thanks For all thE advice, I was not planning on giving my child any meds but was just surprised that a few moms had told me to. I appreciate the overwhelming response of those that are like me and feel that meds should only be used for true medical purposes. I just didn't know if I was being over protective by not doing the meds.

Happy Holidays!

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answers from Albany on

Well, benadryl makes some kids hyper, so better try it first before the trip.
Otherwise I would probably just overfeed, tehehe. Breast or bottle will pass the time nicely for a 9 month old!

Have a safe and fun trip!


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answers from Pittsburgh on

I would not do that personally. I don't think you should give meds unless necessary. But if you were considering it you need to know that some people do not get sleepy with benedryl and some even get hyper. I do not get sleepy at all with it.

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answers from Dallas on

Benadryl just to make them sleepy? Nope, wouldn't do it.

When we flew when my ODS was little (less than 2), I would give him tylenol or motrin right before the flight b/c he had frequent ear infections and I wanted to prevent any more ear pains that might happen. But I haven't done it since his ear infections became less frequent, and I don't do that for my YDS (who doesn't have a big history of EI's).

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answers from Columbus on

Wow, put on your protective gear. You're going to get bashed.

No. I do not recommend medicating a baby unless there's a need for it. bring snacks, books, toys, etc. to keep him/her busy.

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answers from New York on

i would try the bendryl my aunt had 8 kids all a couple years if not closer and she gave them it on long trips from cali to wyo!! and i was having a realy big stress fit with my son on the way to flordia and i tried it and it worked just dont ues it all the time

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answers from Chicago on

You are going to get slammed here for asking this. Which is just a simple question in my opinion. But watch out!

My older daughter had terrible ear problems when she was little and our doctor had us give her benadryl and a pain killer when we flew. It worked for us, but some kids have different reactions to benadryl so it's iffy if it will even help.

And for all the judgers on here, when my daughter got older we gave her dramamine, which keeps you from getting sick and ALSO makes you drowsy. Almost the same thing as benadryl for her if you ask me.

Anyway, looking forward to the other responses.......

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answers from Santa Fe on

We fly pretty often and I have never done the benedryl thing. I just bring lots of new thrift store baby toys (each last about a minute, ha!), and snacks, and walk around the plane a LOT. Make sure the baby can nurse/have a bottle or pacifier (if he takes one) during liftoff and landing to help with possible ear pain. My daughter loved holding airline cups and snack bags. It is tiring for us adults but it's not that bad.

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answers from Modesto on

haha, for mom yes, for baby nope.

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answers from Saginaw on

I went on a 10 hour flight with a 3 and 1 year old. I took some Benadryl, because I got that advice also but never even had to use it. The kids did great!

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answers from St. Louis on

NO!!! And with that I would also recommend finding a new Dr. no Dr. in their right mind would drug a child just because it's convient. Do take a bottle for the departure and landing it helps with the pressure on the ears.

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answers from Washington DC on

yes yes yes, medicating unnecessarily is bad yadayada. however, traveling with a miserable baby is a nightmare for everyone concerned, including fellow passengers. even a short flight with a screaming toddler will make the nicest folks nut up.
if you don't want to of course you don't need to (and it sounds as if you don't, so don't feel pressured.) but if you give tylenol for teething, lavender drops for sleeping, or an antihistamine for congestion, consider taking some benadryl with you. sometimes 'unnecessary' drugs are very helpful indeed.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I would not give the 9 mo drugs but YOU might want some Benadryl and a beer! lol

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answers from New York on

Never never never! And um... please do not. You don't say how long the flight is, but just bring a variety of small toys (attach a teather to the one or ones he is playing with so they do not fall on the floor). Triangle crayons don't roll, so they are good with some blank paper for "coloring". Your 4.5 could draw funny pictures as well.

My daughter always fell asleep after about 1/2 hour, regardless of when her nap time was, it played havoc on her sleep schedule later in the day but it made for an easy flight.

Oh and though you did not ask - make sure you all have plenty of liquids, water for you and your older son and nusing or formula for the baby. Airplanes are very dry, and you will actually dehydrate on the flight.

Have fun!

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answers from Columbus on

We were given this advice by our pediatrician when we flew with our then 18 month old, who was having trouble with fluid in her ears. It worked for us, no ill effects. I would give it a trial run a few days before, because I know kids who get hyper on it too, but no harm came to our daughter doing this, and it was an easy and pleasant trip.


I just purchased benedryl yesterday for my dog with allergies (via the vets advice, btw.) It is very much still on the market. The recent cold meds that have been taken off the market were not antihystimines.

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answers from Columbus on

Giving benadryl can totally backfire and make your baby hyper as well.
I can't wrap my mind around the recommendation of drugging your child - this is not the first time I've heard that.
I recently traveled with my 10 month old. I brought along a book and some toys to entertain him, a bottle to feed him during takeoff and landing and a paci to suck on to help alleviate the ear pressure. My son generally doesn't take a pacifier but these steps definitely helped.
How long is your flight? I can imagine traveling with two kids can be challenging but your infant will be just fine. Our flight was for 1.5 hours and my son slept for most of the time. The only thing that concerned me was the ear pressure and our pediatrician had prescribed us this ear drops to alleviate the ear ache when my son had an ear infection. We just put a drop each in my son's ears prior to takeoff and that seemed to have helped. Let me know if you need the name of it. Also, you can check out the question I asked about traveling with an infant - what to and what not to check-in, procedures etc - there are some good answers. It was an easy process.
Good Luck!

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answers from Chicago on

are you aware benadryl can make baby hyper? babies are usually fine on a plane. why medicate your child for absolutely no reason. OTC drugs are STILL drugs!

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answers from Dover on

Absoulutely not! They don't even want kids that young to take Benadryl, why on earth would they want you to do it for a non-medical reason?????

If you can fly around the 9 month olds nap time, definately do that. Make sure you have sufficient food/drink supply (enough for even if there is a delay) and something to help entertain both of them just in case.

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answers from Stationed Overseas on

No never, ever. Don't do it and shame on that nurse for even mentioning it. I travel internationally with my daughter often and have been doing it since she was 4 months old, she's now 2. At 9 months the baby should be easily entertained. Bring some snacks, sippy cup, changes of clothes (for you and baby), favorite toys and a new one as well. Like some of the other moms have said the benedryl could make the baby hyper or could have the opposite effect and make him too drowsy to the point of respiratory distress. He will be fine and be calm about it yourself. If you are freaking out the baby will pick up on that.



answers from Dallas on

i would not give the baby anything, but if you REALLY feel the need to do so, do a test dose with the benadryl before you get on the plane(like several days ahead at home) - some kids have the opposite reaction and get really wound up. my husband is a pharmacist, and b/c the absorption rate is really unpredictable in small children, it is recommended that children under 23 lbs NOT take benadryl unless the benefits outweigh the risks(like in a severe allergic reaction situation). none of my kids were even close to 23 lbs at 9 months old. how long is your flight? how does the baby do in the car? buy a seat for the baby and put him in his carseat, he may surprise you and do just fine. but i really urge you to do a test dose if you feel you must drug him, should he have depressed respirations or something from it, you do NOT want to find out several miles up in the air.



answers from Kansas City on

I ditto all the "no"s. I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how entertained your 9mo is just from looking around at everything new. With our first airplane trip, I packed all kinds of snacks and toys. My daughter was so completely entertained with the crinkly pretzel bag that I don't know if I pulled a single toy out for her. I do recommend a bottle for ear pressure, though (a cup with a soft straw or some snacks for your 4yo will help him with that). You really will be fine-- probably the hardest part for you will be wrangling your little ones and your luggage through the airport-- so pack light! Good luck!



answers from Allentown on

Did she say to give him a shot of whiskey if you didn't have the benedryl? Look at your question heading again, and I think your common sense will kick in. Why would you ever willingly give your child drugs for no reason? Different story for the moms below who's child may have had fluid in their ear etc. Sometimes our society is way to quick to put drugs into our children. This is a toxin to the body, that it now has to get rid of...along with ALL of the other toxins it is bombarded with in our 'modern living'. I wouldn't- you have some nice suggestions below about toys, looking out the window, etc. I was thinking of flying with my 7.5 month old, and thought about the pressure in his ears- but figure I will just nurse him for most of the flight so that should relieve some pressure.
BTW: Are you checking a car seat and base so you have one when you get to where you are going? It seems like such a hassle- I may end up just driving the 10 hrs during the night when baby is sleeping.



answers from Atlanta on

I haven't done this simply because we gave my 4 year old Benedryl when he was 2 for possible allergies, and he's one of the kids it makes HYPER! It always has made me crazy as well, and I won't take it -although it does eventually make me pass out. I haven't had to do a long flight yet with our 2 year old, so I would probably take some with me if we were headed to Europe, Asia, Hawaii -something 6+ hours. Most of our flying with kids involves 4 hours or less, so I haven't used anything, but I would give it a try with the younger one for a long flight.

Just try it BEFORE your trip if you decide to use it! Your child may have the reaction that my oldest did! It's not that uncommon. Always make sure to only give the recommended dosage as well. In the proper dosage, Benedryl isn't going to hurt your child, so if it knocks baby out and gives you a stress-free flight -I say go for it!



answers from Tulsa on

the baby will sleep most of the way unless dirty or hungry. depending on the length of the flight he should be fine. if you have to switch planes let him roam as much as possible without being unsafe.


answers from Los Angeles on

Really surprised to hear a nurse condone this! Looks like you're making a good decision by not doing so. Also, I've read that benedryl can actually backfire making the baby alert and cranky.



answers from Detroit on

I personally would not, and have not ever done this with my daughter and have traveled with her plenty of times and managed fine. I'm like you...why give meds if not necessary? Also, Benadryl wires me up really bad... it would be an awful time to find out that it had that sort of reaction with your baby. Have a great trip!



answers from New York on

We travel frequently with our little one (starting when he was about 6 months) and the ONLY thing we ever gave him was some Tylenol when he was going through his teething phase b/c the pediatrician was concerned that the pressure may make his little mouth hurt more.

Our pediatrician has asked us not to give our son anything related to cold medicine unless absolutely necessary- especially before he turned 2.

If you are hoping that he'll sleep- odds are pretty good that he will. Have something for im to suck on during take-off and landing (binky or a bottle) and some board books to look at. At 9 months our little guy just loved people-watching on the plane and he had a captive audience to do so!

Just my opinion... no meds unless they're sick and really need them.



answers from Dallas on

I personally take an antihistamine any time I get on a plane because of the recirculated air and people who have a tendency to wear too much perfume. I have allergies so this makes my trip and arrival better. My daughter traveled with us to Disneyland at 14 months. She doesn't have allergies so I did not give her meds other than tylenol for her teeth. She did fine. I would suggest you carry tylenol for your little one in case of air pressure pain, but I wouldn't give them benedryl unless your child tends to have breathing problems normally or has a tendency to have nose issues on a regular basis which may indicate allergies.

Have a great trip!!!


answers from Lincoln on

That's why some of this stuff was taken off the market. Because some parents use it outside of what it is supposed to be used for. Pooey on your nurse. Follow your gut instinct.



answers from Boston on

I don't believe you should ever drug your children to get them to behave while flying, driving, etc!

Babies, children, teenagers, adults should never take medication unless its medically necessary.

edited: I see those that are recommending it say they used it benedryl because their small children had ear problems there is a difference between giving it bc of ear problems and giving it just to keep your baby quiet.


answers from Chicago on

we use melatonin, your body makes it, that is what is being produced when you are feeling sleepy. My son has been flying since 3months old on average 3 or 4 trips a year and recently he has not been sleeping on the plane as well as he used to so I just bring a small bottle with me and use as needed.



answers from Kansas City on

If you do not feel comfortable giving meds to your baby, then don't! Don't let the nurse or anyone else talk you into doing something you don't want to do.



answers from Dallas on

the only thing we have given our girls flying is Dramamine; but not that young (9 months). We did fly with our carseat when they were under 2 and that was great since they were used to sitting in it; they slept most of the time. I would wait to give any snacks/bottle/etc. until you are actually about to take off. I gave my daughter too much I guess while waiting in the plane and when I needed her to eat or drink to help her ears she wouldn't. The next flight was much better since I figured that out.



answers from New York on

I wouldn't give my children any medication, but I would take a few xanex! lol



answers from San Antonio on

What if the baby develops a problem and needs medical help?



answers from Minneapolis on

I would not give her medecine pre flight nor would I keep her from having a nap pre flight. That is one I hear a lot and is not a good idea, It can be very hard to get an over tired baby asleep on a plane. On that note I do suggest brining baby tylenol just in case he has issues with his ears popping on the flight it can hurt and he might become miserable to having the tylenol available is a good option. you don't have to use it though if not needed. I have never and would never give my children benadryl and I have traveled many 3.5 sometimes made long flights with them.



answers from Las Vegas on

no, just for recreational use.. JOKING.. :) LOL
I know that some parents do give their children meds before flying, my co-worker used to do that. However, I just don't like the idea of it and wouldn't do that to my son.

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