Do I Need a Double Stroller or a Sit-and-Stand?

Updated on November 02, 2008
K.L. asks from San Jose, CA
28 answers

Hello All. I am expecting my second child in March and the new baby will have a (hopefully doting!) two-year old big sister. My dilemma right now is what kind of stroller to buy. Should I buy a double stroller so I can take both of them in it or will my oldest daughter prefer a sit-and-stand? My big concern with the sit-and-stand is if we are traveling and both kids want to sleep in the stroller; however I don't want to buy a double stroller if my two-year old isn't going to like sitting in a stroller for much longer. Would love to hear what you have done to get around this.

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answers from San Francisco on

Get a double stroller. My daughter was two when her brother was born and they rode in that stroller together for several years.



answers from Chico on

My kids are all grown, but I bought a Sit-n-Stand for myself for my grandkids. It is Awesome. My two closest kidlets are 2, and 5. The 5 year old loves it. He can sit, or stand and see everything. The down side is that it is pretty big, and takes up a lot of room in my car trunk. This is probably also true of the twin stroller, tho. The main thing on my stroller is that I've seen someone with 3 kids in it. And like I said my 5 year old still uses it, if we are out for a long time. I really like it. Haven't had the problem with them sleeping, tho, so don't know if that is good or bad.



answers from Salinas on

Hi K.,
Why dont you look on craigslist (or used) and get a double for now. A 2 year old seems young for a sit and stand. you might not feel so guilty if you paid less for the double stroller that you used a short period of time. the Phil and Ted is expensive new, but there are some good deals if it is used. Also, some children do not like the Phil and Ted since the little one does not get a good view. you might want to test the ones you like before you buy it.
:) S.

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answers from San Francisco on

Hi K.
I have a baby trend sit n stand LX. It can turn into a traditional double stroller and it converts to a sit stand. I have 3 boys. They are about 2years and 3 months apart. I used the double stroller part until my son turned 3 and now I use the sit stand option. Unless I am going to go to Disneyland. I love it. This has been my favorite stroller. It even comes with a huge basket for all your baby's needs. You can also use your infant car seat with it.



answers from San Francisco on

I had my son when my daughter was almost 2.5 years old and I got the sit and stand for them. I thought that I was going to use it all the time but....I think that in the last 14 months, I've only used it a few times! It is very heavy and bulky. It is great for the zoo or places with a lot of room but not for everyday trips to the store. I had too hard of a time moving it around in the stores. I also have a hard time geting it in the trunk of our car so I have to take our SUV to use it. Also, it does not have much on the storage side so when I had to bring a lot of things when my son was a newborn, I had to hang my diaper bag on the single handle blocking my daughter's passage in and out. Just some food for thought. Although, both really do like riding in it when we do lug it out :)



answers from Sacramento on

Hi I have tried both. I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old. I ended up gtting rid of both of them and I just bought 2 single umbrella strollers. I also have a double jogger that I love. My problem was when my son was born my daughter was 12 months old, didn't walk yet so I was okay with a regular double stroller. Then when she learned to walk she fought going in the stroller. So I switched to a sit n stand. That was fine until she wanted to walk on her own. I recommend going on craigslist if you are unsure what to buy. Then you don't end up spending alot of money if you end up like I did. The double jogger works great, I take it on walks and to the mall. Other than that I now keep one umbrella stroller and whoever wants to sit in it does. Good luck.

Mother of 4 (15,10,2,1)



answers from San Francisco on

From my experience, I bought a double stroller. The fact that I can strap my 2 year old in it is LOVELY. When we go on walks he can walk next to me and than sit when he's tired, etc. etc. However, my two are tall boys (my 2 year old is 38 inches and my 9 mth old is almost 29 inches) and I find that we won't be able to use the double stroller for long because my 2 year old will be too tall. Plus ours is a front to back and the front seat does not recline enough for when he falls alseep. His head tends to fall forward which really freaks me out. So I find myself only using the double for trips to locations (the city for the day, D-land, Marine World, etc.) but for everyday, I use my single and have him walk.

Just my two cents.

Oh but if you DO get a double, I highly recomend one that has double cups for each of the seats, that way you can put a snack and drink for each kid. We also have two drink holders which is invaluable.

Good luck
Mommy to two lovely boys, 2 yrs and 9 mths (18 months apart)



answers from San Francisco on

I have a Sit-and-Stand and LOVE it. My kids are now 4 and 6 years old, and I was still able to use it at Disneyland this past summer. I used it a lot more when they were little, and it was great. But it is also SO nice to still be able to use it at Disneyland for the moments that they got tired of walking all over the place. I would HIGHLY recommend the Sit and Stand.



answers from San Francisco on

I had both kinds of strollers my oldest child loved the Sit n stand. I will say that my older child was closer to 3 years old when I got it so you have a good point about your two year old possibly needing to sleep in the stroller. My favorite non-jogging double stroller is the Jeep Wrangler because is was so compact compared to everything else and I loved it for traveling, shopping, etc. The only drawback is that it doesn't have a basket. I would just hang everything on the handles.



answers from San Francisco on

My children are 18 months apart and we didn't need a double stroller for anything other than running. We literally have never needed anything for social/casual walking time. For the first few months the baby was in a front carrier and my older son just loves to walk everywhere. We do have a single umbrella stroller that I used for both boys depending on the situation/day.



answers from Sacramento on

My son was 29 months when my daughter was born, and we got a double stroller. I couldn't have been happier with our decision and it got a lot of use. We bought a Phil & Ted's, so it can be used as a double or single. It is so nice having that option. My son is almost 5 and I still occasionally use the jump seat when I need to be able to get in and out of somewhere quickly, or when we go to places like the state fair and are there all day he almost always needs a break at some point. There are times now when he likes to walk, but if he misbehaves he knows the option is going to be going in the stroller, so it helps to get him to cooperate too. My son was at an age when his sister was born that he would take off running on me, so it was a necessity for me to be able to contain him when alone with both kids. I was alone with the kids a lot, so the double stroller was a lifesaver to me. I guess your decision will have to depend on your daughter's temperment and how well she listens and how much stamina she has. Walking for long distances is h*** o* kids, so it is not fair to expect her to walk for a long stretch. Plus, I used walking to help shed some of those baby pounds, so if I wanted it to actually be exercise, I needed both kids to ride so I could walk at a decent pace. To find the one that would work best for us we took both kids to goore's and put them in and out of each stroller until we found the one we liked best for us. We also practiced folding each one to see how easy and small they fold up. I would highly recommend you try out any stroller you buy before you buy it. I know several people who bought theirs online and couldn't believe how heavy and how hard to push they were once they arrived. Good luck in your decision.



answers from Sacramento on

I had the same problems in deciding which stroller to buy. I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 1 year old. I ultimately decided on the sit-and-stand stroller, which part of me likes and part of me hates. My oldest is very active and he likes to walk... I thought that the sit-and-stand would be perfect. My issues are that he is able to get out whenever he wants and sometimes it would be easier for me if he stayed in (sometimes he likes to get out while moving, which freaks me out!). It is also a little less comfy for him. The stroller is also more awkward than a regular stroller because it is longer. Since he mostly walks I feel frustrated pushing one child around in a sit-and-stand stroller. I mainly use it now for trips and amusement type activities. The nice part is that he can choose to sit or stand in it when he wants so he likes it. I think it would work better if he were older and I wasn't as nervous letting him walk in some situations. There was one sit and stand stroller they had a Babies 'r Us that had 2 seats that you could take out and move around. That may be a good option for you. While your oldest is younger you could leave the seat in and when she gets older you can take it out and make it a sit-and-stand. I read reviews on it and some didn't like the way it folded up. I think if I had it to do over again I would get the double jogging stroller kind for my kids while they are younger. They are easier to push and it is not that hard to get them out in the situations where it is okay to let them walk by themselves. Try the strollers out at the store and see if you like it. I really think that the type of stroller depends on the personalities of the kids you have. I hope that this helps you.



answers from San Francisco on

The answer to your question really depends on what you're going to do with the kids and how much the older one likes to walk. I tried a traditioal double stroller with my girls (25 months apart). I found it quite unwieldly and my baby hated not being able to see her sister. My biggest use of the stroller came with my daily walks/jogs for exercise. I found a double jogging stroller at a garage sale and decided to give it a try. We only just gave up that stroller last year when the girls were 5 & 7. It was a little difficult manouvering in stores with the tiny aisles between racks, but otherwise the girls loved it. THe youngest still begs to take it out even though she's too big for it

The newest models are smaller and easier to move with than my old babytrend, so stores shouldn't be so much an issues either.

S. L.



answers from San Francisco on

I bought some clips that bind 2 umbrella strollers together and found it useful. My daughters were 3.5 years apart but it still came in handy and cost very little. A toddler can still use a stroller for long walks. Good-luck.



answers from Sacramento on

I purchased a sit and stand double stroller off of craigslist. it is made by the right start and in the back there is a removable seat so your older child can sit in a normal stroller seat or it can be removed and used and a sitting bench or standing area I would try to find one like that I love mine and for what i paid for it I have gotten my money out of it my kids are now 2 and 4 and I still use it. Best of luck!



answers from San Francisco on

I myself have a sit and stand that my kids absolutely love (I have three- 5, 3 1/2, and 1 1/2 yr olds). However, I can simpathize with the sleeping issue. My suggestion is to get the double stroller and then get a "standing platform add on". It's this cool accesory that can be added to any stroller and gives you the added bonus of the older child being able to stand.
Here's a link to one site that carries it:

Best of luck:)



answers from Sacramento on

I don't have a recommendation for a stroller, but you may want to think about how often you will use it. My daughter was 2 3/4 when my youngest was born. We didn't get a double stroller since my oldest liked to walk. She was expected to walk where ever we were going unless there was a shopping cart where she could ride. We've only had my 4 year old in a stroller when we went on adventures to the zoo (several hour trip). We then used an umbrella stroller and she had the option to ride or walk. I only did this when I had another adult. Althoughwise she was expected to walk. I've never had any problems with staying with a stroller only for the baby.

If you are unsure about getting a double stroller or a sit-and-stand you could wait until after your baby is born and see how your daughter will respond. If she has trouble with adapting to walking, then you may want get the double stroller or the sit-and-stand. Of course, if you are avid travelers, you may want to get one regardless or see if you can borrow from a friend.

Good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

I have a 3 (1/4) and a 1.5 year old and decided on the double stroller. I still use it today. There are times when I don't want my 3yo to be out and about and the sit and stand is too tempting for him. It also gives me options, because the 3yo now wants the back seat and the 1.5 is content in the front.



answers from Stockton on

We just had our second in August. My daughter is 3 and she still uses the stroller. I went with the double stroller and love it so far. The front seat holds up to 50 pounds and the back up to 40. My 3 year old still only weighs 34 so hopefully we will be able to use it for a while. I like it too because the carrier is able to snap into the back for convience.



answers from Stockton on

My boys are 20 months apart (Now 2 1/2 and 9 months) and I have the sit and stand deluxe. I love it! The deluxe has 2 seats. However, you can easily remove the backseat. Both of my kids seem to like the stroller. I love it because it is really light weight. I test drove all of the front to back double strollers. Most of the strollers are huge and hard to control. The sit and stand deluxe was thee easiest to move around.

The few cons to the stroller are:

1. Neither seat fully reclines.
2. There is only a childs tray on the front seat.
3. The infant carrier hooks to the front seat. (I did wedge mine into the back seat. It does sit in there really tight).

Good luck with your decision. I wouldn't trade my sit and stand for any other stroller.



answers from San Francisco on

My girls are 17 months apart. We got the Phil & Ted and so glad we did. It is lightweight, can be used as a single or double, is not bulky, and the older one likes sitting in both places, front and back. It is on the pricier side, but well worth it. Also, with the sit and stand, even if you want the younger one to sleep and recline the seat, that it leans into where the older child sits.



answers from San Francisco on

to be honest I have a one yr old and a three yr old and there are times my eldest just wants to sit down comfy. I find that the older one tends to want the same treatment as her baby brother and having the double stroller helps when going out. She gets to be just as comfy as baby and if she wants to walk she can as well. I find that she likes to have the option to sit or walk and this way she doesn't feel as if she is not my little baby anymore. Good luck in your purchase!



answers from San Francisco on

I would go with the baby trend sit and stand lx deluxe. You can buy an attachment to have an actual seat in the back (like a double stroller) then take it out later and have it like a bench in the back. The two year old may not sit in the standing part for a long time.



answers from San Francisco on

Hello K.,

We've had the single bulky, the umbrella's and the double stroller. I am sorry to say I cannot comment on the sit and stand so my opinion will be a little biased. Honestly, I think a lot of it has to do with you. What are your expectations and needs for your children? My friend and I had different needs/expectations so if she had another child I would say she probably would have gone with the sit and stand. I, however, really like the double stroller. We purchased the double stroller where the front seat could be turned around to either face the one in the back or face forward. We loved it because the older one could sit in the front, facing the youngest and me, while the baby was reclined sleeping in the back section. As far as your needs and expectations--- would you rather keep a bulky stroller, or a light one? Are you going to let your older child walk next to you at the malls or other crowded place? This is where my friend and I differ. She wanted light and easy and her son was allowed to walk next to/in front of her at the malls etc. I on the other hand am very protective, and so I don't mind the bulkiness to give me the peace of mind to know they are right there with me. My kids aren't allowed to be out of the stroller walking freely in crowded places until a certain age (for us it wasn't until the third one came along, so the oldest was able to graduate to walking next to us.)Another thing I liked about the dbl stroller was the large storage bag underneath. When taking two children out for the day, it's nice that the bag will hold my purse, snacks, diapers, wipes, btls,toys... anything and everything I needed for both children. But I really liked the fact that my oldest could face me and talk with me while I was pushing them around. I did not have any steering problems, the only issue was the heaviness for putting it in and out of the car but again it was worth it to me. I would chose the dbl stroller any day over the sit and stand but that is for me and you may have different wants/needs/expectations. Good luck.



answers from San Francisco on

my girls were 3 and 5 and I use the front and back double stroller. Came in handy when we were visiting theme parks such as Disneyland. Both front and back reclined and had cover over their heads so if they both fell asleep it worked perfect. I do recommend getting the double stroller, I questioned this as well when my youngest was on her way and the whole theme park thing was brought up to me as well. They get tired from walking.



answers from San Francisco on

It depends on the height of your kids. Mine are both 90% so the sit and stand did not work for us. I have friends that love the sit and stand. But it does not recline enough for my 4 month old to sit in front and sleep without slouching. And my 2 1/2 year old is too tall and cannot sleep in the front... For traveling, I bought the Jeep Wrangler double stroller. Very light and compact and ~$90. It does not have a basket, but Target sells bags that clip on to the back if you really need something. I have not missed the baskets. The Jeep wrangler reclines and both of my kids can sleep in it at the same time. For trips to the store or somewhere where I want manuverability. I use an ergo carrier for the little one and my old single stoller. Either kid can be in the stroller that way and not so hard to manuver. The bill and ted is expensive, but very versitile...I just couldn't spend the $$$.



answers from Sacramento on

I found that most places I needed to go I didn't even use the stroller so I didn't purchase a double stroller. My 2 year old either sits in the cart with the baby or walks (with a leash). When my son was new born I used a front pack with my daugher either in the stroller or cart. I now have a back pack for my son and he loves it. Also, if you and your husband are going someplace together it's good to have the umbrella strollers, one for each kid. They are cheap and easy to manouver around people, plus they are very compact :).



answers from San Francisco on

I would take your 2 year old to check out strollers. My 2.5 year old son refused to get in the sit and stand but he liked the double strollers. I bought the Phil and Teds. I love it though it is a bit pricey. My 2.5 year old wasn't riding in a stroller much before his sister arrived but now he does. Good luck!

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