Cradle Cap - Streamwood,IL

Updated on March 19, 2008
J.J. asks from Fox Lake, IL
17 answers

Hi Moms,

My daughter is 4.5 months old and has just come down with cradle cap. Well she has a beautiful head of hair that now seems to be falling out because of it. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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answers from Champaign on

use baby oil after you shampoo her hair . Rub it in gently it will go away...It just takes time... be patient. hoep this helps... Mary Waggoner



answers from Decatur on

As someone else said her hair is not falling out due to the cradle cap. Most babies loose their hair and it comes back, don't worry.

You got wonderful solutions just what worked for me - my oldest son actually didn't get it till he was 1 (it is rare for them to get it that late) and 2 treatments of cradle cap shampoo and it was done. My second son got it and I treated it with vegetable oil and a toothbrush every night and it cleared up and I THOUGHT came back but then showed it to my dr and she said it prolly was cradle cap but was now excema and needed hydrocortison cream.

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answers from Chicago on

I have read that breast milk also helps with craddle cap, and I believe it was just recently listed in an article for Aprils Parenting or parents magazine. (I get both but forgot which had the article). Anyway, you can try that as well if you are breast feeding. (It has antibacterial properties and can be used on cuts as well as in ears for ear infections.)


answers from Champaign on

If her hair is actually falling out because of the cradle cap and not because of the way she's sleeping (babies tend to loose their hair when their head rubs up agains the mattress) then I would say take her to a doctor. My son had what I thought was cradle cap and it turned out to be a pretty bad case of eczema. I would avoid putting baby oil on it until I was sure it was actually cradle cap - because baby oil helps cradle cap a lot but makes eczema worse, as I found out when entire quarter-sized peices of my son's scalp came off. Better safe than sorry...go see your pediatrician.



answers from Rockford on

Our daughter has had that - the best products we have found to use are by California Baby, and for cradle cap the Tea Tree and Lavender shampoo and bodywash, it loosens cradle cap. Their website is Their products are awesome. It does take time to go away, but this shampoo/wash seemed to work the best.



answers from Champaign on

DON'T PICK! The hair may actually fall out more. I wouldn't necessarily blame the hair loss on the cradle cap though...both my girls lost hair around the 3-5 month mark...newer, ever so slightly coarser hair to replace the newborn stuff. For our cradle cap...I left it for my older daughter (she still has a little at 2.5 yrs old), but treated with Olive Oil for my younger daughter (7 months). I may even have found that advice here. Rub olive oil into the hair (like you are shampooing) and let sit for at least an hour. Wash, brush vigorously with a soft bristle baby brush (use a back and forth motion), then gently remove flakes with a fine tooth comb. We did two treatments, a couple of days apart and the cradle cap is nearly gone. It took awhile to get all of the oil washed out, so your daughter may look a little greasy for a few days. Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

We used olive oil, then combed with a baby comb.
We also used a gentle baby shampoo, such as California Baby.



answers from Rockford on

I believe most babys get or have cradle cap it isnt something they would come down with like the flu but what you can do is lotion even vasaline to lossen the dry skin use baby brush after lotion to lossen good luck ask your baby doctor if you have any furter concerns with it



answers from Chicago on

Hi J.,

this always worked for me and i just did this with my newborn...

brush her hair to loosen the flakes as much as you can.
put olive oil on her head - it absorbs into the skin much better than baby oil, which seems to kind of just sit on top. rub the olive oil in, wait for about 10 minutes, use a soft bristled baby brush and work in circles to loosen the flakes. wash her hair (i also use the baby brush to lather the soap, because it helps to clean the oil off the brush itself as well). rinse. then wash her hair again and viola! a good majority of the flakes will be gone. repeat as often as needed every day to banish them flakes :) My baby only needed two days of this to get her back to good, and now she's my beautiful little huggie bear again :)



answers from Chicago on

J., when my kids were little they also had it. The doctor back then told us to put baby oil on at nite then the next morning take a small comb & comb out the cradle cap. It will take a couple nites to get it all out. After I got it out then I would put a little on their headss evey day to keep it away



answers from Chicago on

After you give baby a bath take some baby oil and rub it into baby's hair. After it soaks in, gently comb the cradle cap out. My kids went through that.



answers from Chicago on

When my son had this, his pediatrician said to use head and sholders and it worked. Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

I seem to remember using baby oil and a tooth brush to loosen the flakes. That was a while ago, so I'm not sure what the protocol is now, but that worked. Also, less appropriate, I'm sure, I would sit and pick at my son's head, just working out a flake. It was gross, yet satisfying!



answers from Chicago on

You have gotten some great suggestions about cradle cap, but I wanted to let you know that her hair is probably not falling out because of it, most newborns lose there hair - all three of mine did, and my last didn't have a lot of hair to lose :)! Check this out:



answers from Chicago on

Arbonne has an awesome product in the ABC (Arbonne Baby Care) System that works wonders on Cradle Cap. It is there ABC Body Oil. It worked great on my nephew's Cradle Cap, and it won't leave a greasy mess in her beautiful hair like other baby oils because it is formulated without mineral oil, so it is quickly absorbed by the skin...a definite must try. Check it out at Click on Discover ABC to read more about the ABC system from a pediatrician of 15 years, and click on shop online to purchase. You will love it, and should take care of the cradle cap relatively nephew's was gone in just 2 days! Good Luck with whatever you choose, but I strongly recommend you give this a shot!



answers from Chicago on

use baby oil and comb it out with a fine-toothed comb. i did that for my son and it comes right off. just put the oil in her hair while she's taking a bath and comb it out.



answers from Chicago on

My twin sons both had it bad. I put mineral oil on their head for 10 minutes, then used a soft bristled toothbrush. Wash with Selsun blue afterwards. It took me only 1 treatment to remove all the cradle cap. They haven't had it since. I tried other treatments such as olive & baby oil & a regular baby brush & infant shampoo for cradle cap & found no luck in removing it. This mineral oil & Selsun Blue was wonderful! About the hair loss too- my boys were born with 2 beautiful heads of hair & about 4.5 months of age they too, lost a lot of their hair. They are 6 months old now & are finally growing new buds. The both looked my dad with 2 big bald spots for a couple months!

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