Clothes for Preemie Toddlers

Updated on May 11, 2007
R.B. asks from Philadelphia, PA
13 answers

Hi. This may seem like an unusual question, but I'm wondering if there are any other moms like me out there. My son was a preemie and he was very small. He is now 15months and is still small (just over 17pds and 28.5 inches). My problem is, my son wears 9month old clothes, but he acts like a 15 month old and so some of the 9mnth old clothes just do not work. I'm sick of onesies and "baby" outfits. Does anyone know of clothes for petite toddlers? Has anyone else had this problem? I'm just try trying to find some shorts and t-shirts for the summer and some pants that are not too long. He's walking and the pants get in the way. He's always tripping over them. Any thoughts/suggestions would be great. Everyone thinks he's like 6 months old and having clothes for little babies makes it worse. Has anyone else had to go through this?

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answers from Lancaster on

I have the same problem. My son will be 3 next month and still wears 18mo. clothes. I find really cute stuff at walmart, sears, and even the children's place.

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answers from Allentown on

Hi R....

I would suggest going to Old Navy and buying the 6-12 month summer clothing. My preemie (8 wks early and will be 14 months next week) was in that size for quite a while. I really like their little boy clothing and the nice thing about putting him in that size, it didn't look so huge on him like other brands did.



answers from Philadelphia on

I haven't heard anything about preemie toddler clothes, but places like Old Navy and Gap make T-shirts and normal looking shorts in the 6-12 month size range. I hope that helps, and wish you the best of luck!



answers from State College on

Check out Babies R Us if you have one near you. Their on-line clothing section leaves a lot to be desired, but they have THE CUTEST "big boy" clothes for baby boys I've found. My son is 3 1/2 months old and my husband gets a huge kick out of seeing him wear tiny versions of stuff that looks like my husband would wear. BRU and Baby Gap are definitely my favorites.



answers from Philadelphia on

you could try have some stuff altered to fit his size or try going to some of the other stores the other moms suggested good luck finding cloths that fit



answers from Philadelphia on

Try Kohl's Sonoma brand. It tends to run small so your son may be able to fit into a 12 month size in this brand. They have tons of t-shirts and shorts out right now and they're pretty cheap too!



answers from Philadelphia on

The only thing I could think of to do is get some tailered.
I also haxe a son that was a preemie and is three percent on every growth chart, but try to get 12 month clothing and get it tailered, try asking you're mother if she can do it or grandmother. That's what I had to do because I'm not good at that stuff. All in time things will catch up, although the doctors always say next year...
Well good luck ;)



answers from Pittsburgh on

My son is a little guy too, and I find that when I buy an outfit, the shirt fits but the pants are way too long. So I mostly just try to buy separates for him and that way I can buy a smaller size pant. Also,if I find an outfit that I really want to buy for him, I switch the pants with another outfit that is smaller. I know that is rude to other shoppers, but that's what I do.



answers from Philadelphia on

My son though not a preemie was always petite and small until recently when he finally caught up to his age group (2 yrs). I always loved Old Navy clothes. They were more toddler like and didn't look like he was supposed to be a "baby". I don't like the onesie type shirts either, especially in the summer but have noticed that most brands, stores, etc they make most of the shirts that way until the 24month sizes. Good luck.



answers from Erie on

Hello. I have 2 preemie boys that are still small. My 18 month old is approx. 22.5 lbs and 29.5 in. My 3 year old is approx. 27 lbs and 37 inches. I've found that Old Navy, Gap, and Sonoma (Kohl's) fit them the best. Old Navy has the most toddler looking baby clothes, if that makes any sense. They have great deals online. Its been a lot easier since my oldest started wearing 2T, adjustable waists are great! I hope that helps a little. Good Luck.




answers from Philadelphia on

Hi R.,
I know what you are going through. My child was not premature but he's 6 months behind on his age clothes. Babies r us, target, children's place, and old navy have clothes that are from 6-12 months. you can't really look in the layette areas you need to search on the racks and that's where you'll find them. t shirts, shorts, what have you! Hope this helps



answers from Reading on

I have a soon to be 21 month old , who still wears 12 months. The other day she was in these cute khaki shorts, I checked her tag and they were size 9mos. So I know exctly where you are coming from. I basically just dress her in 12 month clothes. It seem to do the trick.



answers from Reading on

We have the same problem with my son. We're celebrating b/c he just hit 25 lbs and he's 27 months old. My mother in law recently gave us some jeans from The Children's Place with adjustable waists. They're the best. I didn't know adjustable waist clothes existed for toddlers until now. Probably b/c pretty much ALL his clothes are hand-me-downs from cousins and friends and they didn't have tiny kids. So, hope that helps!

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