Breastmilk Just Came in No Flow Yet

Updated on January 26, 2015
E.A. asks from Belleville, IL
10 answers

Second baby breastmilk just came in boobs are very big hard and no milk flowing. Baby is breast-feeding not sure how much he is getting boobs still fill hard and lumpy and also lumpy under the armpits. What can I do to help my milk flow and for how long may my breast be this way, milk came in yesterday.

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So What Happened?

Thank you lady's, I'm trying the cool compacks under the armpits to get the huge lumps down and hope they get better. Boobs are still really firm, but I do know baby is getting milk because of wet diapers and boobs don't hurt as bad as the under arms, that's a good thing. I'll keep you updated.
P.S will also try the cabbage 😌

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answers from Detroit on

I had to pump a little for relief and to "deflate" a little when my milk first came in so my daughter could latch on better until my body regulated itself. If there are enough wet diapers though at least you know he is getting enough.

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answers from Springfield on

What do you mean when you say "No milk flow?"

If baby is eating and producing wet and soiled diapers then your milk is just fine. It's not unusually for your breasts to be engorged. It will pass. Just keep feeding your baby, and make sure he has enough wet diapers and enough soiled diapers.

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answers from San Diego on

Just keep nursing baby on demand. Your breasts will figure out how much to make in a couple of days at most and won't be so engorged. You can hand express a little bit to soften the nipple area up some to make it easier for baby to latch. Do not pump. It will only signal your breasts to make more milk, something you don't want to do right now. You can stand in a warm shower and gently massage your breasts and express a small amount while in the shower to relieve the pressure but I wouldn't do it too much. You can put a warm wet towel or washcloth on your breast to help the milk flow more as well.
Kellymom is my favorite page for all things breastfeeding. Here is the link to engorgement specifically for you.
Congratulations on your new little one!

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answers from Chicago on

warm rags on your breasts
massage them too and massage under your arm pits
hot shower works too

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Just keep nursing as often as the baby wants.

What many people don't realize is that when your body is trying to make the switch from colostrum to milk, you can actually get pretty inflamed. Your breasts get hard and lumpy from inflammation. Then the milk starts. It was always this way for me. I would have about 24 hours of misery (feeling totally engorged and sore but without milk flow). Then the milk kicked it and I felt better quickly. Pumping during this this only made me feel worse, because I only got a tiny bit of colostrum. The good news is that after that miserable 24 hours, I made a lot of milk!

You said you started feeling engorged yesterday? Then you should start getting real milk flow soon. If the milk doesn't start flowing sometime tomorrow, talk to your OB.

ETA: since it's inflammation at this point, cool compresses helped. Heat and massage are good later if you get a clogged duct. But for me, the thought of trying to massage those things on day 3 after birth would have made me burst into tears. They are just too painful. A cool washcloth is the way to go.

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answers from San Francisco on

Try raw cabbage leaves from the refrigerator. A nurse gave me that tip with my first one. The chemical reaction with your skin and the leaves softens the affected tissue.

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answers from Boston on

Keep putting baby on every 2 hours or so. Keep it up!!



answers from Miami on

See for all answers to breastfeeding! Best resource there is - and helpful from beginning to end. C.



answers from Chicago on

Express some of your own milk into the sink to soften the nipple. But if baby has wet diapers, baby is eating, so milk is flowing.



answers from Washington DC on

You should talk to a certified lactation consultant and/or look at The first days your body will be adjusting to producing milk, as well as how much. If the diapers are plentiful and full, then baby is doing well. If you fear anything like mastitis, please see your doctor. Please be careful about cabbage leaves. They are often suggested for women who want to dry up, not continue nursing.

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