Allergie to Any Diaper, Even the Chlorine Free

Updated on May 25, 2009
T.Z. asks from New York, NY
18 answers

My son, 20 months old, is allergic since birth to any diapers with chemicals in it.
I switched to 7 generation and it worked fine for 19 months and i think that he is getting allergic to that also...the rash is in front, in the lower belly (still in the diaper area).
I also topped using any wipes and do all cleaning with water. He is now developing the same king of rash on his face, cheeks. Could it be a eating allergies?What should I do? Thanks for any advice...BTW I tried almost every single diaper cream....

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answers from Rochester on


If you haven't - go to the doc.

It could be allergies. It could be teething. It could be diaper rash. It could be yeast infection. It could be.....

Put a fleece liner between his sink and diaper. They are washable. Shape it like a diaper, don't worry about pinning it, and just let the diaper hold it up.

Worked for my son (when we got the diaper changed in time! :)

Good luck!



answers from New York on

Could it be yeast? My daughter got yeast on her diaper area and I thoguth it was diaper rash but the dr said it was yeast. We used lotriman cream and it went away and never came back. It did take awhile to go away though. Just a thought to look into.

More Answers



answers from New York on

HI T.,

Get rid of all toxic household and personal products. We changed over everything in our home. You can ask me about this if you are unsure what is toxic and what is not. We've had to do this for our son. Is your water from a public water source? If so there are likely traces of chemicals including chlorine. We've had to put a filter on. Also, many moms are using the GAPS diet to get rid of rashes and allergies. My son is on this diet and it has helped him. Rashes are gone.

T. E.



answers from New York on

An allergy is an over reaction to something. Although I know you want to find exterior things to eliminate the symptoms, I think you want to look inside. Build his immune system to act appropriately, instead of over reacting. There are some presentations on and new baby products (including a new diaper cream - supposed to be AWWESOME) at

I would also look at eliminating other toxins like detergents or fabric softners. has a lot of information on these products.




answers from Albany on

You might want to research some of the products that you use for their toxicity levels. Here's a link to the Environmental Working Group:
Click on the link for Skin Deep and do a search for the products that you use. It's a great resource!

I agree that you should see an alergy specialist but eliminating toxins in the home might help too. I use bumgenius pocket diapers and really like them. You do have to wash a load of diapers every night but it really isn't too much more work than disposables. I hope that your little guy feels better soon!



answers from New York on

I would take him to an allergist where he can be tested. It is a simple test where they can test for many allergies at once, everything from foods to molds and dust.

I am not sure where you are located, but if in New Jersey we use Princeton Allergy- they have locations in West Windsor, Bordentown, Flemington and Princeton (there may be more). Dr. Skolnik specializes in children.



answers from Syracuse on

did you take him to an allergist? or was it just a guess about the diapers?

My DD got ezcema pretty bad on her diaper area and face and chest starting at 2 months of age. It is a red rash that can look blotchy and fine or bumpy. If a doctor saw the rash and said it was an allergic reaction then I would say he may be having a reaction now to a food allergy. Unless he is rubbing his diaper on his face (!) I don't think it would cause a reaction there. Something he is eating may cause a reaction both on the face and the diaper area if it is also coming out in his urine.

If it wasn't diagnosed by a doctor I would bring him in now. If it is ezcema they will give him some prescription cortisone cream and lotion to put on it. If it is allergies he should probably be tested to see exactly what is causing it.

You can try to put a little cortizone on the diaper area rash (over the counter) to see if that helps. Do not put it on his face though, the over the counter stuff is too strong for facial skin.



answers from New York on

Hi T.,

I shop with and international wellness company called Melaleuca. The company manufactures many household products that all of us buy in the grocery store but with safe/healthy ingredients so their objective is help families go green and provide them with good nutrition. They're products you might find at a store like Trader Joes or Whole Foods BUT our company prices these products like Walmart and actually delivers them right to your door. You have to be referred by another customer to enjoy the benefits of shopping wholesale. People that shop save money, time and have healthier proucts in their home.

Everything has a sixty day, empty bottle money back guarantee. They also offer $100.00 in free products for new shoppers!

They also have a great lotion for skin irritations, excema, psoriasis which works hands down over anything I've used before.

If you want to know about the products, please feel free to contact me.



answers from New York on

I am so sorry for your little baby! I have a great doctor from Long Island Jewish Hospital, his name is doctor Steven Weiss. He is an allergist AND immunologist. He helped so much with my daughter. I see you are in Manhattan, so I'm sure you can find a good doctor there. If you would like his number, just shoot me an email. Best of luck to you!




answers from New York on

Yikes... maybe try cloth diapers? I know that they are a pain, but at least you can reduce the chemicals and irritants.

If the rash is also occuring on his face, it could be food allergy, especially if he was fine with the diaper until recently. Call the doctor and see- allergies develop over time and this may be something new!



answers from New York on

Hi T.,
I would ask your pediatrician for a referral to an allergist so that you can possibly get more specific information on what your son is allergic to. A switch to cloth diapering might be a good idea as well.
Good luck



answers from New York on

Hi T.,

My daughter had the same thing. I thought it was the wipes, then the diapers, then the detergent I was using (when her face started to break out). Believe it or not, it turned out to be a food allergy. I am nursing and whenever I eat corn products, she gets these red, itchy patches all over. Also, if I eat too much wheat, she gets dry and flaky. I recommend that you keep a food journal and see what you notice. Best, A.



answers from New York on

Hi T., Often times skin conditions are a result of issues that start in the stomach and allergic reactions are imnflammed cells. I have seen many wonderful skin conditions get better simply drinking a high quality Aloe Juice. The kids prefer the Strawberry Kiwi flavor and I would add 4 ounces with water. If you want to discuss this possible route, feel free to go to my business site Holistic Health Alternatives on mamasource. Hope your son feels better soon! G.



answers from New York on

I use only cloth diapers on my daughter. She is 20 months old. I started using them about a year ago and I love them!! They are so much healthier for your baby!! People think it is alot of work but it is not!! Feel free to contact me for any questions!



answers from Rochester on

Hi T.!
Have you ever tried cloth diapers? There are no chemicals in cloth and they're less expensive and easier to use than most people think. Babies are less likely to get diaper rash or have issues with cloth. I own a samll on-line diapering business and would be happy to visit with you to show you the options. You can call me at ###-###-#### or email me at luck!



answers from New York on

T. I think you should go to a dermatologist for your son. I don't believe it is the diapers. It could be the change of seasons, pollen, food, rugs. It is best to find out and start to potty train him. Now is the best time of the year since its warm. Less cloths to take on and off when he starts to feel it. Hope it works out fine for you and him.

M. S.



answers from New York on

Have you taken him to an allergist for testing? He may have food allergies and if that is identified, it could help you out. My other thought is cloth diapers--I imagine that this is alot of work, but you can hire a diaper service that will pick up and clean the dirty diapers. Best of luck!



answers from New York on

Have you considered cloth diapers? I cloth diapered and loved it and as an added bonus cloth diapered babies potty train much earlier. My daughter potty trained at 18 months old and now only uses a diaper overnight and during naps. Cloth diapering has come a long way. We loved our Haute Pocket one size diapers ( fits newborn through toddler), they velcro on just like a disposable and come in lots of great colors and with septic safe flushable liners, solid waste just gets tossed in the toilet with no dunking. It a pretty easy process and was so much better for my babies sensitive skin.

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