Allergic to Bug Bites

Updated on June 09, 2012
A. asks from Lakeland, FL
23 answers

My 4 year old is extrememly sensitive to bug bites. When most people get bit by a flea or ant it just makes a little red bump, but on my daughther it causes a much larger bump that itches greatly. When the rainy season came, I think all the fleas took up residence in my home. I have 2 indoor only cats, and hardwood floors in almost every room except my room and her room. She is getting bit like there is no tomorrow. She almost looks like she has chicken pox. I've taken her to the doctor in the past for this (about this time last year) and they said there was nothing they could really do, they were just bug bites. On top of her bites being much larger than an average child, they seem to last FOREVER. I am waiting to get her pics taken, but I certainly can't with her looking like she does.
I have treated both of my cats with advantage, and bought a vet recommended flea treatment for the house that seems to work pretty good, and the bites have slowed down quite a bit, if not stopped altogether (she has sooo many it's hard to tell which are new and which are old). Does anyone have this problem with their kids? Is this common? My doc suggested giving her benadryl to stop the itching, but is there anything that makes them heal faster? Not just because I've been waiting months for her pics to be taken, but because she scratches them all the time and she looks like she has a disease or something. I've never met another child with this same problem. Does anyone have any advice?

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all your responses. I think that I will try the oatmeal baths and the spray benadryl. My daughter is one of the rare few children that does NOT fall asleep when you give her oral benadryl, she gets even more hyperactive. Found this out the hard way when the doc reccommended giving her benadryl when she went thru a no sleeping phase. I'm also going to try the water under the nightlight to see if I have gotten rid of the fleas.
Thank you to everyone who wrote a response!

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answers from Boca Raton on

My son has the same problem, If I give him Benadryl and put the cream on them right after he is biten they seem to go away within a week, but if I don't catch them right away they last forever.... You may want to take her to an allergist...

A bit about myself mother of 2 my son is almost 3 and my daughter is 8 weeks old...

good luck



answers from Fort Myers on

My daughter has the same problem. I think it might be ants but when she gets bit they swell up and get really hot and hard. Anyways, I put bandaids over them because it seems as if they get worse when she scratches. It helps tremendously, but you have to catch them early because when they scratch the bites get infected (thats what the doc says anyways)

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answers from Orlando on

A., I have always had a severe reaction to bug bites. If I get too many mosquito bites I will even get a fever. The bites also last several weeks. For years I have carried various creams in my purse just in case I got a bite. One bite would even wake me in the middle of the night from the irritation. Since my son was born I have gotten interested in homeopathic medicine. I now keep a vial of apis mellifica in my purse and it works wonders - no itching so they heal quickly. Whole Foods, Chamberlins or Economy Health will have this. Just go to the homeopathic section, look for the Boiron display and look for it there. The display shows symptoms and then tells you what to buy for the symptoms.

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answers from Boca Raton on

It seems benadryl is the winner for recomendations here. I would probably do topical treatmeent during the day and oral at bedtime so you don't have a little zombie on your hands. Also, stick with the clear benedryl liquid if you can, I had a child get jiggy from the pink food dye once, not fun.

I would look into GSE(grapefruit seed extract)from the health food store. It "nukes the toxins" in your system and that might be what's bombarded your daughter's system. Also, vit c is a natural antihystamine. I used powder ester c when my kids where little, and titrated the dase to their age. Too much vit c can have a laxative effect. I used topical tea trea oil lotions-smells a little funky but worked well-if you wanted to alternate the benadryl lotions.

When my daughter came home from Girl Scout camping she was riddled with noseem bites=looked like she had chicken pox. We were going to disney to meet my sister and I just dosed her up with the above and put her in the car. Also I did oatmeal baths a couple of times. She healed up very fast that time when usually I hadn't been so agressive before over a few. I didn't want her to feel miserable in the heat of the day while she was with her cousins. I also take GSE when I get a fire ant bite because I swell up so horribly on my extremities. I also try and soak the bite right away in hot hot water as this supposedly neutralizes the venom from those bugs(I had used ice for years and it would not help)

HTH, LaurieK

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answers from Miami on

Hi A., my name is A. Diaz. I live in Sweetwater Fl. I have triplets, they are 3 boys, age 7 1/2. We have the same problem as you. They are very allergic to bug bites. I was also told to give them benadryl, but I also use calamine lotion. And a lot of the time I bath them in Aveeno. It come in oatmeal bath, soap, and lotion.Both the calamine lotion, and the Aveeno is excellent. Both stops the itching and dries it up pretty fast. Both are safe to use on kids of all ages. Please let me know if this helps. It works for us.



answers from Lakeland on

It seems like such a simple solution. Get rid of the animals. I can't imagine exposing your child to constant pain just to have cats. Kids come first.

Mother of Jake (5) and Josh (3)



answers from Orlando on

Hi A.,

I am also alergic to bug bites. My mother says she had the same problem with me when I was a baby. I'm from Connecticut so the bugs are not as bad there but one summer she took me on vacation to the carribean islands and had to cut her trip short because I was attacked. She took me to the doctor and they just gave me some cream. When I was in High School my family moved down to Florida, and it happened again. My first year here was a nightmare. I had to wear long sleaves and long pants with this FL heat. My feet and legs were so swollen. The previous renters of the house we rented had pets and the place was covered with fleas. So I know what your child is going through. Now I am 27, years old and I am ammune to bugs in the central florida area. If I go anywhere outside of the Orlando area, I get attacked, but I just make sure I takes lots of bug repelant cause really there isn't anything else you can do. Honesly it's something that I am so used to dealing with that it doesn't botther me as much. I just try to make sure I am prepared. The repelants work for me and my children.

I would suggest to remove the carpet in your childs room and maybe get an area rug. Also keep lots of bug repelant. Also try the skin so soft bug repelant line that Avon makes it works for me. I also like the scented Off spray. (my son always gets bit like me, but he isn't alergic, thank goodness)

Good luck with the pictures and I'm sorry that you and your daughter have to go through that.




answers from Miami on

Hey A. my name is C. and i also have a 2 1/2 yr. old boy with the same problem! He too is allergic to bug bites! mosquito's mostly!!! They have gotten so bad to where hes gotten infection and needed an antibiotic. Yeah the doc tells me pretty much the same thing...that there is really nothing u can do except to put anti itch on them! My sons dad is allergic too to mosquitos so im guessing thats where it came from! Who knows! Well i hope i could be of some help`! but if u have any other questions just ask!



answers from Orlando on

I say keep up with the advantage treatments to prevent it from happening again, and also try calamine lotion so that it doesn't itch so bad. Sounds like shes got pretty sensitive skin or allergies.



answers from Gainesville on

My 12 year old reacts the same way and has since she was itty bitty. They sell bug itch cream to help with the itching and it has always worked for my daughter. A little trick my mom told me about the fleas is take a pot of water and add dish soap or powdered laundry soap to it and place it under a night light. The fleas are attracted to the glow of the light and when they jump for it they end up in the pot. You will be amazed at how many you find in the pot the next morning. Unfortunately there isnt much that I have found that truly works on the swelling and yucky marks that it leaves on her skin. Just be careful with her scratching them because my daughter ended up with an infected one. Not fun! I did find that putting bug bite cream or spray helped prevent her from getting as many bites. I would love to say they grow out of it but sadly my daughter did not. Best of luck to you.



answers from Port St. Lucie on

My son too had awful bug bites on his foot. I swear I thought my house was built on an ant hill. The first thing I did was call an exterminater. I use the Lawn Doctor. They are very professional and they will give free estimates. Their number is 1-800-452-9637 website: Please, tell them R. Lewis referred you. I also used Benedryl for the itch. I wish I did know if there was any way to make them disappear faster. Good Luck!



answers from Johnson City on

I am as well as my 4yr old son is highly allergic to deer fly/yellow fly bites..When they bite us the bit swells up and gets heat to it what the Dr suggested I try on mine as well as his was Aloe gel with lidocaine it it the lidocaine numbs the itch and the aloe helps heal it..It works well for mosquito and flea bites...Also there is a little tube of stuff that wal mart sells that is called bite be gone or stop bite itch its is a little pen type container not sure if that is the exact name of it..But it works well to...Also as strange as this may sound either solid deodrant or gel deodrant rubbed on them will stop the itch can't remember what it has in it that will stop the itch but it does I have used it often when nothing else would work...They also sell 91% alcohol at wal mart which is stronger than regular rubbing alcohol..
As for the fleas you may have to get your yard sprayed by a professional company that can also spray the house to remove the fleas..I have had flea problems and was also told to vaccum the carpet including the baseboards and after I vaccumed completely to make sure to immediately empty the bag and take it outside and put it in a closed container..Also vaccum the beds real good and wash all of the sheets and blankets in very hot water and dry in a hot dryer..There is benadryl that is sugar free and dye free I have had to get it for my son as the sugar makes him hyper at times also..Aveeno oatmeal baths and or their oatmeal soap and lotion will also help even though it is on the expensive side.Hope this helps



answers from Kansas City on

My son has the same problem. Every summer he breaks out really bad. He's been covered from his neck to his feet. They look like chicken pox. I recently took him to the pool and I saw the way people looked at him. I had the same problem when I was a kid. I've always had really sensitive skin. I plan on taking him to the pediatrician to see what they say.



answers from San Francisco on

Hi, it sounds as if you're treating your cats and house for fleas very well. I'm inclined to think that it may be something else (probably in addition to the fleas) that is biting your daughter. I would ask the dr. Also, do a google search on commone household bugs (dust mites, bed bugs). Ask the exterminator. I've read that bed bugs can cause a horrible reaction. Good luck and keep up posted.



answers from Boca Raton on

The same thing happened to us. My little guy had some many little bumps all over him it mad me so sad. We put Liquid benadryl on his legs which help then hell faster because you out it directly on the skin. But don't give her any oral benadryl because you don't want her to overdose. We also Bombed our house and had a pest guy come and spray. We washed the cats and put flea stuff on them. Fleas are snicky they will come in your house on your shoes. I suggust sprinkling borax around your front yard or back yard enterances and on the carpets in the rooms and then vacuum eveytime you vacuum change the bag because the eggs will hatch in the bag and the\n spread all over your floor again.
If you need a pest guy let me know I have a really inexpensive guy that is really nice.

Hope things start turning around for you be patient it took us about a month and half before we got rid of them all.



answers from Boca Raton on

My son had was the same way when he was younger, he's six now and has seem to have outgrown the reaction, the liquid did't same same to help as well as the topical, that samed to cut down the reaction before it got systemic. at times I had to you them both, but I had better results with the cream(topical) benedryl slowing down how big they got.



answers from Boca Raton on

Hi A.,
My daughter is extremely sensitive to bug bites as well. Any type of insect bite or mosquito bite causes the area to swell etc. Her pediatrician prescribed Elidel 1% cream along with an antibiotic ointment. I also give her Zytec each morning and Benedryl at night if she needs it. The Elidel works wonders and I only use it if she has been bitten which stops her from scratching. Needless to say, before going out during the day we put a bug/insect repellent on her that is safe for children.

Hope this helps.



answers from Orlando on

HI A.,
My grandmother used aloe vera gel for just about every bug bite and injury I had when I was a child. I still use it!! You can get in the pharmacy but the best way to get it is buy and aloe plant, break a piece off, squeeze the leaf until the gel comes out and apply directly un your daughter's bites:) Hope this helps!!



answers from Melbourne on

Hi A.
I know how you feel girl. my daughter went through this untill she was about 5.But hers were mosquitto bites.Every season she would be COVERED. Her legs looked terrable.As for the remedy for her legs..I would put Benadryl cream all over her legs..ALOT and wrap her legs in ace bandages at night while she was sleepin so she couldnt scratch them..They would look 10 times better the next mornin.Good luck hun.



answers from Miami on

You can try witch hazel to stop the itch. (Publix has it where you would find isopropyl alcohol.) You could also ask your daughter's Dr about prescribing Zyrtec, and use it in conjunction with the benadryl. I have found that using both seems to control the itching and swelling better. (ok to use both together according to my son's dr)



answers from Lakeland on

I have a 6 year old little girl. She is also allergic to bug bites. She swells so much, and often looks like she has a golf ball inside, and even chicken pox. When she was 3 she was biten by 3 wood ants and we had to rush her to the ER. They gave her an epipen. From that point on the Pediatrician gave us one for ourselves to carry. Fortunately we have never had to use it. He also gave us Zyrtec. I give it too her after I see a bite. It seems to take away the itch and bring down the swelling faster. Although, it does make her drowsy. I just wanted to let you know that Zyrtec seems to help us w/ her bites.



answers from Port St. Lucie on

My oldest son, now 7, is the same way. The simplest bug bite brings up huge welts and forget a bee sting. One day is had to go to school with the biggest swollen face due to a bee sting two days before. Benadryl only helps so much. I have found that the best results happen when soon after the bug bite I use spray Benadryl. I beleive you can get it at any drug store, then have her take a benadryl pill. The spray will keep her from wanting to scratch there for allowing the bite to heel faster., and pill will allow swelling to go down. Good luck.



answers from Lakeland on

Hello A., I have a granddaughter that will be 5 in January she is allergic to bug bites. Her doctor also told me there is nothing they can do. So give her benadryl for the itching. I also have tried aveeno, it does work ither. She scracthes them until they become infected. Then I have to use an antibiotic cream. What I do is if she gets only a few I put a small bandage over it with benadryl on it. She likes the bandages so she leaves it alone most of the time. I also buy the boxes of popcycles at Wal-Mart (she eats more of those then she does food) and I'll take two out of the freezer, one for her and the other one I put it on the bites, but she laughs and wiggles around cuz its cold but she says it helps, for awhile anyway. Also if she gets alot I put pants and a long sleeve shirt on her and she stays inside. (turn the air up alittle). The doctors say her skin is just to sensitive. Sorry I cant be of more help. GOOD LUCK

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