8 And a Half Month Old That Wont crawl...help???

Updated on February 15, 2009
S.B. asks from Salt Lake City, UT
38 answers

Hi I have a 8 and a half month old that won't crawl for nothing. I try to put things in front of him, I myself lay in front of him and try to get him to crawl to me, I try to lift him up on all fours and show him how to crawl but he either lays there and cries or he just rolls everywhere. I know two babies his age that are crawling all over now. What can I do to get him to crawl and is this something I should worry about? I don't want him to be behind all the time.

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thank you all for your advice. I talked to the doctor and he says its fine that he just rolls now. All babies crawl and walk when they are good and ready too.....;) thanks again for all advice.

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answers from Salt Lake City on

My oldest child didn't crawl until he was almost a year. He just wasn't interested. Now he is nearly twelve and extremely gifted. Relax, and give him some time. Babies do things on their own schedule and just because another baby does something first doesn't make him/her smarter, stronger, or mean he has better parents.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Some babies crawl at 7 or 8 months. Others don't. He's probably developing faster in other ways, like verbal (making the sounds and understanding speech not just talking) or small motor development or something else. Just give him plenty of tummy time, often with you down there with him (just like you're doing) and be patient.



answers from Denver on

my friend's son was the same. The Dr. told her is he was usng it to go somewhere then his rolling could be considered legitimate crawling. Now he crawls everywhere and is just on teh cusp of walking. Let them do it at their own speed.

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answers from Colorado Springs on

Boy, that sounds familiar! Our daughter didn't want to crawl at all, then she went BACKWARDS, but wouldn't for the life of her go forwards! She finally figured out the FORWARD thing, but only crawled for maybe a month or two and then started walking right after that. She was walking around her first birthday even with not crawling much at all until around the 8 month mark. Kids all develop at different rates, so unless your doctor thinks it is something to worry about, don't. I tried all that stuff too, the toy just out of her reach, ME just out of her reach, etc., none of it really worked for us either. Guess she was a little stubborn! But she did figure it out and you wouldn't know now that she was "late" on this skill-wise with her peers. The absolute worst thing you can do to yourself is compare your child to everyone else's. He will develop in his time. And you will drive yourself crazy worrying all the time, but it certainly is our perrogative as moms to do just that! lol I worry about some of the dumbest things and then look back and wonder what the heck I was worried about? :) Seriously, though, if it does worry you that much talk to your pediatrician or his/her nurse for guidance. Good luck!

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answers from Denver on

I wouldn't worry too much. I once read that kids who don't crawl can have problems later in school. Our son does. Who knows if it's related or not. Our second one crawled beautifully, although not until later, maybe 9 or 10 months. Our daughter is seven and a half months and loving rolling around. If the doctor isn't concerned, I wouldn't be. You're doing everything you can to encourage him and that's about all you can do. We will let our daughter push off our hands and she seems to enjoy the forward motion, but not enough to even remotely begin to try. Crawling has been taken off as a required step in development, so unless there's issues with late walking, etc., there's not a lot you can do. Just enjoy what he's doing and encourage him. You're only going to drive yourself crazy comparing your son to other kids. So far, both my boys crawled (or scooted) after I was walking, so you can't even really compare to what you did. Have fun playing on the floor with him! You're doing great.

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answers from Provo on

Don't worry about it. Crawling is not an important age-related milestone--here is a good article:


If your baby is rolling to get around, then he probably just doesn't see a point in learning another way. But the article does talk about ways of encouraging your baby to make forward movements as well. One thing that I do with my baby is always set him down on the floor just out of reach of his toys, so that he has a reason to move.

I think it is hard not to compare our children to others, but it is important that we delight in their successes and give them opportunities to learn without dwelling on how they're "not measuring up." Enjoy your beautiful little boy.

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answers from Denver on

Take a deep breath don't push it, some just want to do it all on their own when they are ready not when you are. Crawl with him on the floor. I use to crawl on the floor with my daughter all the time. My niece was a non crawler also she went straight to walking some just do that. Dont let it stress you out he will be just fine. Another thing that might help is lay him on your belly, his belly on yours, while you lay on the floor and have someone or yourself put your hands at the bottom of his feet pushing gently and let him push himself forward. Just don't stress about it.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Well, my baby didn't crawl until she was 14 months. I was so worried, I had the doctor looking at her all the time. But she was fine. There's absolutely nothing wrong with her. She just does everything in her own time. She didn't walk until 19 months. But she's just turning two and developing normally. My advice, get an evaluation. Early Intervention is a great place to go. They do the evals for free often and if it turns out your child needs some therapy, they usually work with your insurance or work on a sliding scale. Probably everything is fine. As I have learned, every baby has their own timetable for doing stuff. Doesn't matter how hard you try to speed things up, they just do it when they want to. Trust me, I tried EVERYTHING. All you do is end up making yourself nuts. It was my first real lesson as a parent just to let go and let my child be who she was and not try to push her into things she's not ready for. Its hard, but seriously, if everything's fine, just relax. Your baby will feel your stress and it will make the whole crawling experience really unpleasant for everyone involved.

But, if you want to do some exercises to help strenghten the crawling muscles, here's one my therapist gave me. You can use a cushy step stool, or the bottom stair of your home. Put baby on their knees facing the stair. Slowly bend baby forward at the hips until his hands reach the stair. See if he can support his weight. Once he gets good at the stair height, you can try things that are lower and lower, until finally you are just bending him forward to touch the floor. This really helped my little one. She had some muscle weakness and this helped beef her up a little.

Anyway, good luck. Trust me, I know how terribly concerning and frustrating it can be when your child is "behind" what people think is "normal." But really, just be patient. They'll come around and realize that your baby's normal might be totally different than someone else's kid's normal.




answers from Salt Lake City on

Nothing to worry about!! Children are ALL different, and standardization does nothing but scare people!! My best friend's child did nothing but roll around until he was 10 months old and then crawled until he was almost 13 months old!! He is now 4 and can ice skate, bike, and scooter better than his 7 year old brother (it's really quite amazing how coordinated he is).
Another close friend's son never rolled or crawled at all and just started walking at 9 months.
My own son never rolled and only crawled for 1 month before walking. He crawled at 10 months and walked (beautifully) at 11.
Everyone is different! Your son knows what his body needs to do, and I'm sure he's fine!
I would advise you not to worry, since he'll feel it and feel that pressure. Of course, this is all my personal opinion (although I'd say I'm very well read, and a former teacher close to my MEd, so at least there's that :)), but I feel that it is never a good idea to compare one's own child with other children, since children are so very different! He'll crawl when he's ready, or maybe he'll just walk! :)



answers from Denver on

Hi S., I would like to say that it is not a big deal. My daughter did not crawl until she was exactly 9 months old and didn't walk until she was 16 months but now at 17 months she is running and perfectly happy. All babies are different and will roll, crawl, walk and talk when they are ready. I feel like our culture puts these time tables on everyone and everything. Have faith that he will progress as he is ready. Also my daughter didn't walk for a really long time according to other babies but she is speaking a lot already more than others.

The other thing is my friend told me a really great phrase and I remember this with Arianna my daughter which is that at the age of 5 all kids can do everything, run, jump, talk, feed themselves and so on.

Good luck and just relax it will all be fine.



answers from Provo on


My son's dad had a similar concern. One of the funnier things I have ever witnessed were his attempts to teach our son, when he was about eight months old, to crawl. He very lovingly attempted to teach him, work with him, etc., but to no avail. It was a totally useless endeavor. But, nature won in the end. When our son was ready to crawl a couple of months later, he crawled beautifully. And he grew up just fine.

Moral of the story? Don't stress about it. Just let it come naturally. Absent some severe developmental disorder, it will. On its own schedule, not yours.



answers from Colorado Springs on

He'll do it on his own time. It sounds like he gets around by rolling, so that's great. That's preforming the same function as crawling right now, and that's what counts. He may eventually decide that crawling on all fours is more efficient or he may find another way to get around before he walks. I wouldn't worry. It sounds like he's just fine.



answers from Denver on

It's all normal, it really is.

I had one who crawled non-stop all day beginning at 4.5 months (not kidding) but didn't sit voluntarily until 18 months (not kidding). I had one that didn't eat a bit of food until her first birthday. I had one that didn't sleep through the night, ever, until age 21 months, and another who slept every single night beginning at 60 days.

You have nothing to worry about. This all becomes less anxiety-provoking on the second and third child, I promise.



answers from Denver on

don't stress about this... my daughter never did crawl in the normal sense of the word. she would "army" crawl (flat on the ground, using her arms to drag her legs behind her) over to things and then pull herself up to standing. and even then, she didn't really do that until she was 10 mos or so... like i said, she never did really crawl, but went straight to walking. she'd "travel" around clinging to furniture or the wall, then would take a step every now and then and then she was off and running. she went from army crawling at 10mos to walking (with some falling) by the time she was 13 or 14 mos old. so don't worry about it...

also, my friend's son did not walk until he was nearly 18 mos old... all perfectly normal.



answers from Denver on

I am sure others have said this, don't put so much pressure on yourself. My daughter crawled at 8 months, but my son, not until 11 months. He did not walk until 16 months, my daughter walked at 11 months. They are all different. If she is reaching all other milestones, don't worry. My kids are now 4 and 7, and doing great, and totally normal, as far as any kid is anyway :).



answers from Missoula on

My advice is don't worry!!! Both of my children were late crawlers and walkers. Our oldest, our daughter, didn't crawl untol she was 9 months old and walked at 15 months. Our son, well, he never really crawled until after he walked. He sorta crawled and did the butt scoot thing when he was 11 months. He didn't walk until he was 16 1/2 months old, then he crawled. There have been studies out noting that due to back sleeping, many children are crawling much later or not even crawling at all. THere is a great percentage of children that skip crawling and go straight to walking. So, I advise, take a deep breath and let things progress at your son's pace and not yours.



answers from Denver on

Every child is on their own schedule. My son didn't crawl until 11 months and walked at 15 months. My daughter crawled at 7 months and walked at 13 months. I have friends whose children skipped crawling all together and either scooted on their bottoms or just started pulling up and trying to cruise the furniture right away. I wouldn't worry- your baby still has lots of time to figure it out.




answers from Provo on

I wouldn't worry. My daughter didn't start crawling until she was 11 months (her twin brother started two months before her - so the peer pressure thing doesn't always work) and I've heard of kids who start much later or who skip the stage altogether. The medical world seems to disagree as to whether or not crawling is an important stage, but don't worry - if your son is going to crawl, he'll do it when he's ready. If you're really concerned, bring it up at your son's next appointment with the doctor.



answers from Denver on

Hi S.,

I have a 8 1/2 month old as well and he is not crawling either. I am also a Physical Therapist who specialized in pediatrics for some time. My best advice is that as long as there are no chronic medical condtions your baby is also dealing with, they will crawl when they are ready. It is hard to be patient I know. But it is not unusual at this age not to be crawling. The window is 6 mos to 12 months if after 10 months your babay still isn't interested than I would seek a Physical Therapist to help you, your Pediatrician will be able to recommend some to you. Until then know it is perfectly normal.



answers from Denver on

Don't compare him to others his age. If there is no clear developmental problem he will do it at his own pace. A Dr can tell you to be worried or not.

First borns typically are very content with laying around, or rolling, I found that out. My daughter did everything later, she was very verbal early but took her time crawling only mastered it around 8 mos then didn't walk well until 14 mos. My son however was crawling at 6 mos and walking/running at 11 mos as his incentive for him to follow his big sis. His next well baby visit ask your Dr otherwise, just keep encouraging him and once he starts it goes full force! My daughter was FAST! :) She was into everything, pulling up on tables before I knew it!! :)

He will catch up and he is just doing things at his own pace. Just because he is doing it slower then others don't rule out he will be behind on everything.



answers from Boise on

Our daughter never crawled. From the time she could sit up on her own she figured out her own way to get around. She would keep one leg folded in front of her and the other leg was up with her foot on the floor. She used one arm and one foot to scoot herself wherever she wanted to go. It was a crack up! She started walking on her 1st birthday. So, as one mom said, if your doc. doesn't seem concerned, don't worry over it. Every child is different.



answers from Pocatello on

RELAX! Your baby is normal. I have know lots of babies not to crawl until later. He will get it when he is ready. And enjoy him not moving. And he will be right up there with the other kids when it really counts. So just enjoy him and don't compare him to other kids. He'll get it.



answers from Salt Lake City on

It has been many years since my son was 8 months old, but he too would not crawl no matter what I did and he never really did. He would roll everywhere he needed to be and finally started walking at 17 months. He is now almost 25 and plays football abd basketball(very well). I know it is sooo hard to be patient, but that is sometimes just what it takes. He was a big baby and is still big 6"5" but I thought for a while I would have to carry him everywhere. If you are still worried in a couple of months, I work for a non-profit organization in Salt Lake City that does free
evaluations for developmental delays: DDI Vantage ###-###-####. There services do carry a charge, but the evaluations are free.
Hope this helps,




answers from Billings on

I have 10 month old twins and I freaked out because my little girl started crawling at 6 1/2 months and my son did nothing. After weeks of nothing I finally took him to ECI and asked if he had problems or was delayed-I was freaked. They laughed and said give him more time, and low and behold last Saturday out of no where he crawled.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Both my children waited until just over a year to crawl and close to two when they started walking, and both have grown up to be healthy happy adults. So I wouldn't worry. For a baby that young, being behind is relative. Now if he wasn't crawling by like 18 months, then I might check with the doctor, otherwise, baby's crawl and walk when they're ready. I know there's controversy about baby walkers and bouncers but if you get really worried, try one of those, I personally feel they help strengthen the baby's legs and encourage them to be more mobile. Of course, always being cautious of stairs and other hazards a baby could fall into. But I'm sure your very careful of hazards anyway. You might also try a play mat if you haven't already.



answers from Denver on

deep breath. If he never crawls and goes straight to walking in 7 months he'll still be within the normal range. Crawling, scooting, rolling are all normal.



answers from Denver on

I didn't read the other responses, so hopefuly this isn't too repetative. This isn't necessarily that late. I know of a number of babies that started closer to 10 months, and some older. And he may not crawl in the traditional sense. I had one butt-scooter, and she didn't start this until 12 months. (Although, since crawling is important to the left/right developement of the brain, I encouraged her to crawl a lot in her play when she was a little older- playing doggie,etc.) Always discuss your concerns with you pediatrician, of course. If a child is a litle delayed on one skill, they aren't generally too concerned. If they start to see a delay in say, all the gross motor skills then they might look at why and suggest physical therapy or whatever is necessary. But I would not be concerned at this point. Enjoy your little guy!



answers from Denver on

No worries S. - my first didnt want to crawl until about that age. Be persistent and creative and he will get there. Let him have lots of floor time on his tummy - even some time "on his own" with some toys close and others out of reach. He will eventually get bored with the close ones and start reaching out to the others.

Also, don't give up too soon - babies know how to wait just a little bit longer than our patience will allow.



answers from Boise on

he will.
All babies are unique.
My baby crawled at 11 months and walked at 14 months.
even if he does crawl by 18 months is still normal.
enjoy him righ now and do not worry too much.



answers from Salt Lake City on


First thing I'm sure you've heard lots of is not to compare your baby to anyone elses and that each one learns and does things at their own pace. Next I'd say add some peer pressure!! I have a friend whose baby didn't walk until she really saw others her size doing it too. Go to a church function or have a play date if you can. Its hard to believe that peer pressure starts so young, but it does!!

Enjoy the non-mobile phase though! You know it is all over when they start crawling... ah the mess. But they are lots of fun too!




answers from Provo on

It's totally normal, all babies are different. Plus they just do stuff like sitting up, rolling over, etc., when they are ready so you can't really make it happen. His brain is developing in connection with his movement and if he's not ready he's not ready in his brain either. Just give him time. There are milestones babies should reach by a certain time, and you can ask your doctor or check a book for when you should be worried, but if he's developing at all, (such as learning to roll over) than that's a great sign, and he CAN learn, and is making progress.



answers from Pocatello on

I don't think it's the time to worry at all. Some babies skip this step, although it is helpful for them if they don't skip it, so I've heard. Sounds like you're doing all the right things to encourage him, but he still won't do it until he's ready or has the desire. You can't make him do it. Just continue with what you're doing. My son didn't crawl until 9 months (and was pretty slow at it) but was walking by 11 1/2 months, so he should be just fine. I have a friend who's daughter didn't crawl until after 11 months, but is now a very smart, walking 2 year old. I think your son will be fine. It's so hard not to compare. I had a hard time comparing with my son because other moms I knew had kids that were crawling at 6 months or 5 months old. But my son is just great and not behind, he just did things at different times.



answers from Colorado Springs on

Just wait it out. Keep working on it but dont get frusterated. My son didn't crawl until he was about 11 months old. In fact, he hated being on his tummy from day 1. I just slowly kept working with him and he eventually figured it out. Kids will do things in their own time. My son is now 2 and runs with all the other kids, talks like crazy, and is so smart. I have seen studies that say the kids who dont start things physically as fast will verbally be ahead of the other kids...so hang in there! You have plenty of time!



answers from Denver on

Take a deep breath and relax! Your child is fine. Some kids don't even crawl at all. They just go right to walking. Don't rush him. He will develop at his own pace. And he probably won't be behind at all. If he's slower at the physical stuff, he might be earlier with the verbal stuff. He might start talking sooner. You never know. But kids do things in their own time. If he still isn't moving around by the time he's a year, talk to you doctor. But at this point, he's still within the range of crawling.



answers from Provo on

Hi I know how you feel. My daughter didn't start crawling until she was 10 months old and I watched as many other babies her age started crawling before her. I really don't think you need to worry about it yet. The average time to start crawling is around 8 months but the range is usually up to 10 months. When I went to my daughter's 9 month appointment they told me not to worry unless she is not crawling by a year.(I have a friend whose son did not crawl until he was 11 months). In no way is there any reason to worry about your son being delayed or behind at this point. I would say to still encourage him by putting things in front of him but know he will crawl on his own time table. If it is any comfort, my daughter was taking steps at 11 months and walking completely by herself before her first birthday-so she ended up being a late crawler but an early walker! I know it is hard not to worry(I worried as well and now I am on to worrying about whether my daughter is talking enough-she is 13.5 months now!) but really it will be fine. Don't worry, be happy and enjoy the time before he is into EVERYTHING because it will come soon!



answers from Salt Lake City on

Hi S.,
My oldest never really crawled either. She scooted backwards for about a month and then at ten months she started to walk. Afer she walked, then she would crawl a little but she just skipped that step. It is possible that your son will do something similar. If you stand him up on your lap does he use his legs to "stand"? Does he seem to have the strength in his arms and legs? If you are concerned about it talk to a Doc. But even if he is "behind", it will all be okay. :)
Take care,



answers from Pocatello on

Hey, don't worry about the crawling....I had four kids...2 crawled, 1 did a little crazy move that was not a crawl, but I am not sure how you would discribe it, and one NEVER crawled at all. She went from rolling every where to, walking around tables etc. She was the one who walked the first of them all. You can get yourself worried about MANY things, if you compare your baby to others...they are all different in timing of what they do, and they seem to all meet up to each other sooner or later. Keep inticing(?) your little one to try new things, but don't worry about the timing until your doctor indicates you should be a little concerned. Good luck, and enjoy!!! They grow up way to fast!!!



answers from Denver on

My daughter just turned 9 months and just now started to crawl... all her little friends were all over the place for months now and she was just happy to lay there and let everyone bring things to her or not have them at all. I was a bit worried, but I figured she would do it on her own time. I have even heard that some kids never crawl and will just go right to walking...
So just hang in there and keep encouraging him. If he is not behind on any other milestones, then he might just need more time with all of this.
good luck...

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