3 Year Old Starting New Daycare - NOT Going Well - Help!

Updated on September 18, 2009
A.P. asks from Watsontown, PA
7 answers

My son has been attending the same daycare since he was 1. For a long assortment of reasons, we had to move him to a new daycare. He started on Monday and it has been terrible! He seems to be a recluse while he is at school. He doesn't want to participate, he seems sad all day - and dropping him off in the morning is torture. Granted this is only day 3 - and I'm sure that this is a process that will take time... I'm a wreck and so is my husband. My son comes home at the end of the day very sad. He doesn't want to play and he hasn't been eating right. When I pick him up at daycare - I would expect him to be very happy that I have returned to get him - instead, I almost get an evil glare. He is relieved that I came to get him - but certainly not happy with me.

We NEVER expected this would be such an issue for a 3 year old... I feel like he is acting like he is 10 years old and I ruined his life! Please - any helpful hints or tips would be appreciated!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I have a home daycare, and for many kids it is an adjustment to make a change, no matter what the age. A 3 year old will need time to adjust, as other moms stated, talk to the teachers. Also talk to your son, perhaps there is something else going on that you can change. Did he have a friend that he is missing from his old daycare? If so, perhaps you can arrange a playdate.Find out if there is something else bothering him, I am sure the teachers want to work with him to have him more comfortable as soon as possible.




answers from Philadelphia on

I'm sure you already done this, but talking to his teachers may make a big difference. If they could help him with a little more attention for the first couple weeks maybe that's all he would need. A new place with all new kids and grown ups can be scary!



answers from Philadelphia on


I am the mother of four children and put my children in daycare too. It was very hard for them as well as me. Then when my twins who are now six were four I found a new way of childcare. I wish I knew about them ten years ago. It is called an AuPair.

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answers from Philadelphia on

My daughter is starting preschool next week and we've been preinformed that for the first week she may "act out" if she feels like we are abandoning her. Have you talked to your son about why he's not playing and unhappy? In your shoes... I would ask my child then speak with the teacher. Transition is harder for some than others. As a child my mom moved me in the middle of the school year & away from everything/everyone I knew. Grades attitude everything changed...until my mom asked me what was going on. I told her I was unhappy about the move an we talked it out.

If after a week he's still being this way see about setting up a meeting with teacher/s.

Hope things get better and he can start enjoying school.
Good luck!!



answers from Pittsburgh on

This may not be what you want to hear, but hang in there and give it some time. Let the teachers know how he is acting at home and see if they can involve him more in the activities. It's most likely gonna take some time for him to adjust. Try to keep the rest of his routine as normal as possible. Good luck!


answers from Allentown on

Hi A.,

Do you have to work? It sounds like your son is in full blown grief.

What was the reason to move him from the other day care?

Your feelings are telling you something has to change. I guess you asking what?

If you are a stay at home mom, keep him home with you, if that is possible.

Is there any family member available to care for your son?

Just trying to help. D.



answers from Philadelphia on

My son had the same sort of reaction when switching daycare's. I spoke to his teachers and they worked to include him. It really just took a little time for him to get used to the new place and people, a week or 2 maybe. I would just stay positive with him, don't let him see you or hubby upset, anxious etc. He'll follow your cues and get accustomed.

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