1St Grade End of Year Party Games

Updated on April 28, 2009
S.S. asks from Plainfield, IL
7 answers

Hi my Religious Education class ends tomorrow and I was looking for ideas for some party games to play. We have about 45 minutes for a game and I am drawing a blank on ideas.

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answers from Chicago on

Simon Says, two-legged race, carring eggs on spoon race, hot potato, clothing race(you get oversize clothes and they race back and forth taking on and off clothes.



answers from Chicago on

Hi S..

How about making "bingo" cards, pertaining to the bible or your teachings? Like have 15 spaces as normal, but put different people from the bible in each square, or different terms, etc.

Another would be like "trivial pursuits" sort of..split the class in two teams, have questions ready and do like a 'family fued" kind of thing to see who can answer the question first in a 'face-off'. Put points values on the bottom of your question cards based on the difficulty. Then have small prizes or something simple.

Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

You could do a bozo buckets type thing. I have also seen some religious type games for kids at the Dollar Tree stores. You could have a limbo contest too.


answers from Chicago on

Hi S.-

I recently came across the website below when I was searching for games to play with my 1st grade Brownie troop. There are active games, as well as quiet games.


Have fun!



answers from Chicago on

http://www.familyfun.com always has great ideas



answers from Chicago on

pin (stick) the heart on the teacher.....like the donkey version but paper hearts...have the kids write on them thier favorite thing the teacher taught them this year...also human knot, stand in circle and kids grab 2 hands of different people, step to the middle and them out ...must unknot (tangle0 without letting go of each others hands...our 1st graders had a blast with this



answers from Chicago on

I recently played this game with 5 year old and I think it would still be appropriate for 1st graders. It's called
"who's missing". You have all the kids close line up against the wall, mix them up so they aren't standing next to their friends, face the wall and close their eyes. Now chose one person to stand behind a blanket so no one can see who it is. Have everyone turn around and try to guess who's missing. The kids loved it!

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